Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hopes And Wishes

Listen up this week, karen, because if you don't, you will miss out on learning some relevant information regarding your life situation. Yes, you are shrewd, clever, and astute, but that doesn't mean you don't need a little cosmic help and guidance along the way. On Monday, the Moon in perceptive and intuitive Cancer trines Uranus in your sector of your mind and imagination, and you come across a piece of information that will set your brain buzzing. Once that happens, you will flash onto the right solution to your current dilemma. Remember that guidance comes in all shapes and sizes, and you can read a passage in a book or overhear a conversation and presto - you have the information you are seeking. On Wednesday, the illuminating Sun enters your sector of hopes and wishes, and you realize that you have changed quite a bit since you first wished on a star long ago and your personal circumstances have altered. You need to refine your goal list so that it fits the person you are today, not the person you were last year or several years ago. Make a new wish list for yourself, one that suits your desires more than your outdated list does.

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