Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I would like to add that today has been made quite poor by the self inflicted DIY mission I went on yesterday and the subsequent damage I have heaped on myself as a result.
All plans to go walking and snapping went out the window when I realised my books were piling up in front of my full bookcase. There was only one answer - by a new additional bookshelf. So I checked the Argos offering and decided on a mid size cabinet purporting to be walnut in colour so it would match my tall book shelf. For once Argos as an experience was bearable - in and out in under 10 mins - on a Sunday!! However I had underestimated the weight of said parcel. Funny how a female carrying a large box which is obviously heavy elicits only one reaction - do nothing. No-one steps aside or offers to help but just stares instead. Very irritating. So I get box home. Arms both now 2ins longer. I can see my hands wobbling as the muscles in my arms twang back into place. The shakes. I then proceed to clear floor and get building. Walnut. Mm. Its browner than my other shelves. Not a match in any way. Oh well.
The actual construction was relatively easy and all in all a very satisfying experience. Banging in 20 nails loudly was enjoyable on so many levels - mainly knowing all my neighbours were in.
Cabinet complete my next task was to sort books and move furniture etc to fit it all in. I began this whole jaunt at noon. I finally put the last of the rubbish under the stairs at 6pm. My camera walk right out the window. Stuff to go to charity sky high. A rare occasion I wish I had a car.
At 6.20pm I went out for my 4 mile stomp but I could feel all those muscles I hadn't used in years starting to yell at me. Across my shoulders, my knees are sore from clambering round floor with piles of books and my forearms are fighting back the bruises I know are going to come from carrying the box home in odd way.
At least it achieved one thing - there are no books in front of my shelves just a wine rack with several tempting bottles of red and if anyone wants a Stephen King book I have 10 spare you can have...free. I also discovered several other books I no longer want and a whole speaker system that again if anyone is interested in - its yours.
As for my camera it was snug in its carrier longing for me to finish up. Hey ho. Soon Lumix, soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have my full sympathy. I have fond memories of lugging home ambitious loads from Homebase and then trying to figure out why my shoulders felt abused the next day!
Think you earned a glass (or bottle) of wine.