Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I have started the day full of loathing. Not even sure its self loathing.
Disappointed and hurt by several events this weekend. Actually 3 events this weekend - so that's Fri/Sat and Sun pm. Makes me feel meaningless.
And now feeling underwhelmed at my desk.
Hey ho.
Must cash in my audible credit too today before I lose it.
Oh and nose clamps make swimming more fun!! Well struggling for breath and forgetting that to use your mouth the aim is not to swallow a whole pool do test your mettle! Oh well got me 30 lengths in and am making a friend. Life under water feels so much different!


Anonymous said...

Is this because you did not get your oats at the weekend (as the young people say?).


If i was like this because I did not get lucky at the weekend I would be mainlining lithium!

Karoona said...

i did not say i did not get oats. but if that is all i got what's the point?

you see people always want what they don't have. and being by-passed 3 times in the same weekend in favour of 'the boys' and pints has frankly made me think mainlining lithium is the answer.

a conversation would have been nice. someone just checking i was ok. putting an arm around me and letting me be weak for a whole 5 mins. just. just. some care.