Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Viva la Tas

Chaps/Chappesses - its Wednesday evening here - or at least I think it is! It's been 31 degrees today and totally lovely. Stu's bruises have faded and I think they can now wash the glue out of his head. Mum and Dad flew to Hobart this morning and reckon the lady in the suit shop predicted snow for Hobart on Saturday - oh joy!! Mum's bruises are now coming through and Dad looks like he has been in a fight - so a real pikey feel to the wedding photos I fear!

Best man turned up in one piece and we have dragged him across many miles of the city - St Kilda for cakes on Akland St, Carlton to view the Uni village - and various foodie joints. You will never starve in Melbourne. Just left Stu's house and bride and groom seem fairly relaxed - all just praying for good weather and their guests to pick up the bus at 3.45pm!! We'll be there. In our all weather dresses!!

Spent the rest of Sunday walking the Yarra passed the Olympic Park and Collingwood's home ground. Monday picked up best man aftera long walk round the circle of the city taking in Flagstaff Gardens, Carlton Gardens and the Fitzroy. Looking forward to sharing the photos with you all. Days are all merging into one at the moment. I guess the true reality will hit when we are all gathered in Hobart and fretting about weather/tights/spandex pants etc etc. Oh yeah and reading outloud to the masses! oops!

Not really much to say except my sunburn has merged into a nice tone and all spots have disappeared! ha ha! Just a word of caution - scented loo paper is the pits! As is Aussie night time TV. My saving grace Sport 927 on the radio not quite Five Live but moderately ok! This evening Martin and I are going for food and a beer - then tomorrow the Sky bus picks us up at 9.25am for the airport. So I when I next write my brother will be a husband and I will officially have a sister-in-law! Oh and hopefully GFC will have beaten Forest 3-0! Take care all x


Anonymous said...

your Mum and Dad have got bruises as well? What the Sam Hill is going on out there Karoona? Did someone downplay the role the Vulcan played in keeping the Red threat at bay?

It is raining here but is warm as well, so it is like being in the tropics. Mackay has some sort of tropical infection I think.

Have a great one - having a sister-in-law is great - I had mine once.

In the Archers David and Ruth are at brekdown point while Sam and Sophie wait in the wings. I think "it" is going to happen while you are out there.

Anonymous said...

Karoona you missed it!

Last night, Sunday, on the Archers, David kissed Sophie and she said she was happy to fool around "no strings attached" so they could "make up for lost time" but he said he could not because he loved his wife and Ruth found out he was having dinner with Sophie and not Linda as well and went round to Sam's house and she was really crying and Sam said he really loved her and then Ruth kissed Sam. And then ran out of the house.

Is it something they are putting in the agricultural feed?

More as it happens if it happens.