Monday, June 29, 2009

New Wish List

You start off the week on a discordant note karen, through no fault of your own. Monday the Moon in Libra squares the Sun in Cancer opposite your stoic Zodiac Sign and you may have to deal with a friend or relative who is firmly opposed to a plan you have for yourself. This person is beginning to throw up roadblocks in your path, and yes, you are getting very tired of his or her machinations against you. Wednesday clever Mercury in Gemini squares explosive Uranus in your communication sector, and you will finally tell your associate how you really feel about his or her interference in your life. Try not to fly off the handle too much! You may decide to compose a new wish list for yourself on Friday, as the Moon in insightful Scorpio in your sector of hopes and dreams opposes Venus in practical Taurus. You might be working from a list of goals and desires that you composed long ago, and now that you have evolved into a new person, your needs have changed. This weekend you'll reassess your aspirations, and create an updated life plan for yourself, one that suits the person you have become.

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