Monday, June 01, 2009

Express Yourself

Don't delay, karen! You have to make a major life decision this week, and your choice will impact you and your lifestyle for quite a while. You usually like to take your time before you make any decisions since you know it's important to consider all the possible ramifications of any selection you make. However, if you stall or can't make up your mind, the decision will be made for you one way or another. The issue you are concerned with is too significant to let slide, and on Thursday, as Mars trines Pluto in Capricorn in your sector of self, you'll find the strength to make your own choices. Your ability to communicate with others is heightened on Friday as the Moon in insightful Scorpio trines inventive Uranus in Pisces in your sector of self-expression. You need to make a speech for a neighborhood organization of which you are a member, and you've been dreading having to stand up in front of others and talk. Now you will feel much more at ease and sure of yourself, and your anxiety level will plummet. You are a very poised person, and your inner faith and confidence in yourself will shine out to everyone in your audience.

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