Monday, June 15, 2009


You have a serious decision to make this week, and unfortunately, your dilemma is extremely multifaceted, and you will need to consider all aspects of your situation before you select a solution. Tuesday Mercury in dualistic Gemini is quincunx profound Pluto in Capricorn in your sector of self, and you'll feel there is no right or wrong answer to your quandary. In essence, you are correct, because any option you hit on will lead you to another complication, and so on down the line. Friday the Moon in practical Taurus trines Saturn, your ruler, and your emotions will be perfectly in tune with your inner wisdom. You have a very conscientious attitude toward your duties and responsibilities, and that's great. However, you also need to remember that you have the same right to happiness and contentment as the people around you do! Take special care of your health on Sunday, as the Sun enters sensitive Cancer opposite your personal Zodiac Sign of the industrious Mountain Goat. Your vitality and stamina may sag quite a bit in the coming days and weeks, so be sure you build up your immune system as much as you can, and get plenty of rest.


planetface said...

How low is it? Not sure I can concentrate on my work now.

Karoona said...

erm some might say TOO low. I have to avoid leaning forwards - at all..

planetface said...

what was that? I couldn't quite catch what you were saying...could you lean forward a bit so I can...oh my word...I see what you mean!

Karoona said...

scary huh!! scared me for sure!!