Monday, November 03, 2008

Wheel Of Fortune

This week, you spin the wheel of fortune, karen, and you won't know from one day to the next what the outcome will be. You enjoy feeling safe and secure by establishing a daily routine, but you know that life doesn't always conform to plan. On Tuesday, your ruler, Saturn, opposes erratic Uranus, and you will encounter some unpredictable experiences. People you thought you could trust may not be fully reliable, and conversely, someone you didn't think you could count on will be there for you. Now that Jupiter, the planet of blessings, is in your sector of self, you know that the real key to your contentment is to take a stand in your own life. Once you make sure that you take charge of your own happiness, you will stop depending on other people to make you feel happy or fulfilled. Have your car checked out on Saturday as the Moon conjuncts Uranus in Pisces. You may have an undetected oil leak, among other issues, so consider getting a car maintenance tune-up. You don't want to turn the key in the ignition and find out that your car is on the blink, especially if you are already late for an appointment!
For the record Mister Horoscope Man - I do not have a car... so what should I do on Saturday instead?!?

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