Monday, November 24, 2008

Dynamic Change

This is an important week for you, as Pluto will be moving into your sign on Wednesday. It will stay in Capricorn until 2024, and in the process, it will transform your approach to life and living. You will also begin express yourself more powerfully and dynamically. You will need to be sensitive to those to whom you're close. There may be a tendency to think that your word is law. It would help your relationships, especially the more intimate ones, if you put yourself in the other person's shoes from time to time. There is a major focus on your spiritual and karmic zone, which seems very positive and uplifting. Mars is helping to stir things up by encouraging you to explore your beliefs, especially those that tend to lie just beneath the surface of your awareness. You will notice these because they trigger events in your day-to-day life and continue to do so until you sort out the problem at the source. These issues may become more frequent. You may meet people that you feel you have known from another life. A New Moon in your spiritual zone on Thursday makes this an excellent time to start a spiritual practice, such as meditation, yoga, or tai chi.
This week you may be restricted in what you can achieve. At times you may not be clear why you feel frustrated. But you need to listen to the subtle cues and pick up on the undercurrents in the surrounding atmosphere. Regard this as a planning and preparation phase. Your sensitivity to the needs of others will make you a good listener. And you may find yourself counselling and caring for others, more than usual at the moment.
Your Week Ahead: You are good at what you do. But is this because you never let yourself do what you aren't any good at? Or not while anyone is looking, at any rate. You are not proud, but you do take pride in your ability to do a job well. Right now, though, you are beginning to wonder whether you have bitten off more than you can chew. You feel exposed, vulnerable, conscious of the possibility that you could make a dreadful mistake at any moment. That's great. As long as you remain aware of that danger, you won't put a foot wrong. Venus is in your sign. Love, wealth, popularity and creativity are all on offer to you.
Week Ahead Part Two: 'Mirror mirror, on the wall... who's the fairest Capricorn of all?' This is not, really, a likely question. It's hard to imagine anyone born under your sign requesting a reply, especially from an inanimate object made of glass. But, then, these are exceptional times we are living through. Just ask the International Monetary Fund. If banks, those bastions of stability can need the kiss of life... if heroes like Obama can get into the White house... why can't Capricorns suddenly turn a little vain? It won't last long. It doesn't need to. Right now, you are the fairest. Venus is in your sign. Numerous admirers insist you're the top of their list. Act with the dignity that you'd expect a pin-up to show!

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