Monday, November 17, 2008

Darn it...

Run out of time - and I had so much to share too....

Hey ho. Here's a whistle stop summary.

The Gills won. (Score flatters to deceive and the home crowd want a constant fight with the stewards). Andy Hamilton was average. (He should stay as 'Old Harry' in my mind - far too much recycled material)
Both events made me wonder what audience I should really sit in as I felt as if I did not belong in either.

My new musical purchases have kept me occupied.(Sasha - Invol2ver & Oakenfold's Greatest Hits & Remixes) As has a rather rejuvenating wander through my C-D collection. Ah. I love Placebo. As I have grown up so have they - and boy do their songs reflect a moment in time... 'Lady of the Flowers', 'Ask for Answers', 'Brick Shithouse', 'Infra-red' etc etc...

Have decided the antidote to 'feeling' alone is to keep 'doing' stuff - to think about real problems/issues. Rather than the what ifs. (Ah but not work related ones. Work is something I very much trying to blot out. I keep dreaming of periphery soon to be central people and it gives me an uneasy sense).

Thursday and Friday were odd days, but I cannot be selfish and absorbed by own 'feelings', for once those that Sparky are about to experience are far more important and I have to be strong and as there for him, as anyone who is half way round the world can be...I have shed many a tear over the last 8 days. An article in the Observer had me in tears on the tube. Texts from my bro. Items on TV. Goodbyes. Must go's. No regrets. Lingering kisses and holding on so tight to make it last longer. The lurch in the stomach as words are said. No regrets.

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