Monday, August 11, 2008

Stars on Sunday...

Capricorn (Dec22-Jan20) You need intellectual stimulation. This would be a good time to try a book you've always been meaning to read, or return to an old classic you enjoyed as a child. You may be surprised at how this material changes the way you look at the world. Nothing encourages versatility like being exposed to challenging material. If you've been thinking of taking a trip, do some research into hotels and plane fares. You could find some great bargains in unexpected places. Call my Capricorn advice line to hear why a clear cut and well organised plan of action will help keep confusion to a minimum and keep things running just the way you like them to run.
So I went to the local WHSmiths to buy a classic... sadly they seemed to have confused StarWars with classics. So Waterstones in Wimbledon I trekked too... 3 for 2 on Classics. I branched out got 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', DH Lawrence, 'A Parisian Affair & Other Stories' by Guy De Maupassant as well as 'Eleven Kinds of Loneliness' by Richard Yates and 'The Slaves of Solitude' by Patrick Hamilton (my journey with Bob, Jenny and Ella nearly complete.) Now I don't know which to start with - but I can tell you my books are now in alphabetical order on the shelf - whereas this morning they were not.... tsk tsk...

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