Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Spot the theme yet?

Month ahead: The Leo Solar Eclipse which sets a theme for the next few months hints that learning to share, care, relate and co-operate in a new and different way is vital. Whether it is over financial or emotional matters, you'll set yourself on a better path if you can change the habits of a lifetime. So try not to be too standoffish or too independent. Mars will continue to raise the temperature in discussions especially between the 6th and 17th. You may say more in the heat of the moment than you really intend or is a good idea. You could also be minorly accident prone as you shoot around at high speed. So put safety first and count up to 20 before responding even to provocative comments from those at work and elsewhere. Luckily Venus will be on hand to smooth round a few rough edges and will in any event brighten up your social activities. Once through the challenges and tensions of mid month you'll be into a competitive, ambitious few weeks when you'll take the lead and insist everyone around is on their toes. Suddenly your horizons will open in front of you and the way ahead clears.
Week ahead: You are in a mood this week to kick up your heels. You want something new and more exciting in your life. Whatever feels stale or dull needs a shake up. Your frankness may get you into trouble with your nearest and dearest, but you are insisting on going your own independent way. Luckily your obvious enthusiasm should be enough to keep them sweet. Just try to involve them in all your social plans since you definitely want to stir up more fun.
Day ahead: In an assertive mood you're keen to improve your life's situation however you can. This is due to Mars in your house of wonderful ideas and stimulating conversations, which makes you feel more idealistic than usual. You can be extremely inventive in your thinking and speaking at the moment, really on the button, but you can also be absent minded. Write your bright ideas down the instant you have them, otherwise they may be forgotten.

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