Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ode to the Ear plugs

The bright orange ear plugs are BACK in...
I got a certain satisfaction knowing that weirdy Mr Upstairs was awoken by my loud 6am this morning... funny how for the week his weirdy Mrs and son were away he was never at home - where did he stay...?
Now it's all three weirdy clomp foots back in the land of squeaky floor boards and butter fingers...drop that pan you hurt my head... play basket ball on that floor its my ceiling you're caving in.. set the washing machine to loosen the plaster and drip feed the mat... a land where conversations must be loud and telephone calls taken at 11pm over my bedroom... every snore, fart and sneeze all heard by the single one downstairs...stairs must be stomped up at all times and front doors slammed at every opportunity - and if you get a chance drop your recycled items in the boxes outside my bedroom window any time after 10pm... after all who you going to disturb....?!
Thank the Lord Superdrug for good ear plugs ... and for alarm radios with good loud alarms!!!
Apologies to any neighbours also affected by this - but you must too have noticed the correlation...

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