Monday, July 28, 2008


Get ready to do a little self-exploration this week, KAREN, and yes, you will be on a quest - a quest to know yourself better! Friday the strong energy of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Leo in your sector of self-realization and transformation will catapult you into discovery mode. You want to know why you act the way you do and why you make the decisions you do, and that's just for starters. You are a very practical and pragmatic Zodiac sign, and your common sense tells you that your chances for contentment increase if you make positive choices for yourself. That's just part of the reason you want to learn as much about yourself as possible, but it's certainly a good place to start! Sunday you get lucky, and a problem you have is easily solved as the Moon in Virgo trines beneficial Jupiter in Capricorn. This is a great time to tackle any projects you have that you have put off because you will be able to fly right through them. You may decide to buy yourself a small lottery ticket, but don't spend too much - your good fortune may not extend to your wallet.

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