Monday, July 14, 2008

A New Road...

You knew that your life was going to change in a big way, KAREN; you just didn't realize it was going to happen so soon! You are a creature of habit, and your routine means a lot to you, so it's very hard for you to break out of your normal boundaries. On Friday, the Full Moon takes place in Capricorn in your sector of self, and you are encouraged to take a new road in your life journey. You have resisted this change for a while, but this week, you come to the conclusion that it's in your own best interest to embrace the new opportunity that has opened up for you. Yes, it's an untested road, and you might fail, but if you don't try, you will always regret not exploring your new prospect. On Saturday, your desires overtake your common sense as Mercury in Cancer opposes extravagant Jupiter in Capricorn. You know that you shouldn't go off your diet, but how can you resist a double chocolate ice cream sundae, especially when your friend is buying? It's OK to indulge yourself, but remember, you need to get back on the scales - and your regimen - once you've had your treat.

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