Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Last night - well early this morning to be honest I was woken by the feeling of sodden warmness and also a rather strange noise. No I hadn't wet myself or been sleeping with a snoring walrus...

I got up in a daze to investigate and discovered that my shower was on (hence the noise). I then saw the true horror of what it was doing.. the mirror was soaked - the windows were soaked - condensation was running down most walls and the moist heat - well I had created a sauna in my bathroom that was filling the whole flat. Luckily the shower doors were closed so no major flood...

Now I am fretting - how did it happen? Its an electric shower which you need to turn on at the wall before it works. Had I not turned it off after cleaning it before I went to bed (don't ask! -You do odd things occasionally to avoid the thought of I want a ciggy). And even so if was on at the wall - HOW did it switch itself on? Moths rebel? Flies rebel? Mice conquer levitation to turn on shower?

So what with this and weird time travel experiences I am in a spooked and flustered mood. Any one with any ideas please do say.

Anyway this morning all the flat windows were still condensated despite my opening windows at 4.30am.... aah just what I needed interrupted sleep.. to compliment neck ache and toothache. Again. Nice.


Anonymous said...

How very bizarre! Maybe it's just getting old...

Karoona said...

I know how it feels!!

Flying mice I reckon - fancied a waterfall feature... either that or early senility...