Monday, August 02, 2010

Auspicious August?

General....For modern astrology, no planet is all bad or all good. All have their positive negative attributes. Ancient and medieval astrologers had no such ambiguity; for them Saturn was ‘the greater malefic’ and Mars ‘the lesser malefic’. Jupiter was ‘the ‘greater benefic’ and Venus ‘the lesser benefic’.

No matter how rounded one’s outlook, however, it is hard to see the combination of Saturn and Pluto in much of a positive light. Their cycle, which takes 33-37 years between conjunctions, has unfortunate associations. In the twentieth century, World War One started shortly before Saturn and Pluto met in 1914. Their opposition in 1931 coincided with the trough of the Great Depression.

Their next conjunction, in 1947, coincided with the subdivision of the Indian sub-continent and its plunge into bloodshed. Israel also came into being at this time and was immediately at war with its Arab neighbours.

The next conjunction in 1982 coincided with the oil crisis, as Arab states restricted supply, and with the Israel-Lebanon war. The opposition of Pluto and Saturn in 2001 coincided with the events of 9/11 and the onset of the ‘war on terror’.

This month, on 21 August, Saturn and Pluto square up to each other for the third time in a year – November 2009 and January 2010 being the previous occasions. This is three quarters of the way round the cycle that completes in 2020.

The late Charles Harvey described critical aspects between Saturn and Pluto as indicating periods when ‘there is a need to ‘get back to basics’, a feeling that only some kind of drastic action will suffice’.

On an individual level, Aries, Librans, Capricorns and Cancerians born near the equinox and solstice points are those who are most likely to feel this in their personal lives, but a mood of austerity, focus and touch choices looks likely to be widespread.

Let’s hope that August and the season of Leo also manages to conjure up some hazy, lazy, crazy days of summer by way of compensation.

Wondering when the cosmos is going to cut you some slack and let you freewheel a little? The chance of temporary escape is certainly in the air – the month of Virgo that begins on the 23rd is very sweetly starred for downtime, especially since with Mercury in retrograde, you’ll be away from the petty bureaucratic torments that accompany it.

There is no dodging your ruling planet, however, which is on an inexorable march across the roof of our ‘scope right up until new year, a period when your formidable executive powers will be put to the test. As much might already be apparent, since Saturn is already squaring up to other planets, emphasising your split loyalties between work and home/family. It is, of course, a balancing act, though in August you might have to give your work more of your time and energy than you care for. With both Venus and Mars dominating your professional profile, you can, at least, present yourself as the noble public servant and ultimate safe pair of hands. Any family turmoil promises to calm down this autumn.

Love and marriage? It looks hard to fit such matters into the schedule. Partnerships are where you can find an outlet for all the pent-up energy you can’t express at work; warn them that you may have to vent. Single? Anyone attractive at work? For all, the weekend of the 20th/21st has a lustrous quality.
Your August Monthly Forecast: Some things happen too quickly. We just don't have enough time to enjoy them. Other situations seem to drag on interminably. We feel we can't wait for them to be over... but we HAVE to wait! You're now tired of living with a particular difficulty. The good news is you no longer have to. Change is coming at a surprising speed. Suddenly, instead of wanting a process to speed up, you're more concerned about slowing it down. What's happening, though, is right. August is potentially one of the most important months of your life. It brings the culmination of a process that has been building up for months. You have nothing to fear and everything to gain from all that lies ahead.

Your Week Ahead starting Saturday 31 July 2010 - Love Focus: Must everything always involve an uphill struggle? You're starting to wonder how long your patience will last. You can't quite believe how many setbacks you have encountered lately. Don't dwell too long on any of these this week. A conjunction of Venus and Saturn is coming up. Either you're about to get a brief respite from some raging storm - or you're about to discover lasting relief from a source of stress that has become all too familiar. Which it turns out to be depends on how positive and optimistic you can now bring yourself to be. Forget what's worrying you. Focus, this week, on what truly inspires you the most.
You’re a problem-solver, pure and simple. But why do you sometimes find it so hard to unravel your own personal issues? You’re a master at fixing what’s broken at the office, or even helping your friends get through various crises. This time, think about what’s going on in your own most intimate life, and apply a bit of that elbow grease there.

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