Monday, June 09, 2008

Reviewing Your Daily Routines

Your work and health continue to be of importance, KAREN. Mercury is retrograde until later next week. You just need to be patient for a while longer before you get moving on new deals and contracts. After this, it will be safe to go ahead. In the meantime, get everything organized, and continue to clear out the clutter. As far as your health goes, you may have to wait awhile to hear the results of tests or any lab reports that are due. This is a good time to talk to experts or consultants about what you want to achieve in terms of your overall fitness. If you need a personal trainer, don't hire one just yet; instead, get a variety of opinions about who is available in your area and what they can do for you. If you are thinking of starting a diet, again, read around, and get a selection of reviews before you decide the best way for you to go with your eating plan. Ultimately, the best way of eating is one that is tailored to your needs. You will need to experiment to find out what works best.

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