Monday, June 30, 2008

Changing Gear

You dance to Earth energy, KAREN, and your routine gets a big burst of adrenaline on Tuesday, thanks to the entry of Mars into a fellow Earth Sign, busy Virgo. You are thought of as a rock by your associates, so get ready to have requests for help and advice pour in now that Mars is trine to your personal sign of the steadfast Mountain Goat. Your associates know to whom to go for support, and it's you! You might decide to change gears and walk a new path in an important area of your life on Wednesday as the New Moon takes place in capricious and changeable Cancer. You do like your own routine and enjoy keeping to your schedule, so it's not often that you are willing to modify your plans for yourself. Now you are encouraged to look around the borders of your life and see what's available for you. You don't have to make any quick decisions, but you will be open to new ideas. You may decide to stick to the tried and true or consider experimenting with jazzing up your life. Go with whatever lifestyle makes you happy because it's important that you please yourself.

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