And so the final finally came round. In a twist from the usual final this consisted of 4 contestants. Sir Alan unable to decide who he wanted to eek out after the interviews. He gave us a few fairly loud clues in his initial groupings.. Lee and Claire versus Alex and Helene. From the off you sort of knew no matter how it went Lee and Claire would win and then the suspense of who out of the two was the winner would keep viewers gripped.
SO men's fragrance. It is fair to say a pleasant smelling bloke is a rare find. They either don't bother or go the other way and dunk themselves in sickly sweet smelling liquor and you can smell then for 5 minutes after they have passed you. Perhaps not an ideal task for TV as guess what - we can't smell it. All we can go by is bottle shape and erm Brand. So 'Roulette' (Claire/Lee) which was Old Spice for the Noughties vs 'Dual' (Helene/Alex) for the man who is everywhere. It should have been 'Duel' as the team began to fray and forget they were supposed to be working together! Ah well. Gambling addictions and men who 'smell of men' did not win over the critics. But the dual functioning bottle of 'Dual' priced it out of the game, nor did Helene's dour face or Alex's sulky mug exactly help in selling the product or themselves.
So it came down to Lee - the Spurs fan - nice touch mate, and, Claire who could probably sell ice cubes to Eskimos. I have wanted Lee to win since he led Lucinda et al to win in a way which meant people wanted to be part of his team. There was a raw honesty about him (okay apart from his CV fibs which ordinarily would have him off my list - but I have heard interview panellists who are obsessed by educational qualifications above and beyond the common sense of whether a person is actually able to do the job. Trust me qualifications are not the be all and end all and yes I worked jolly hard for mine so don't need to lie - but I can see why someone without would try their luck. Foolish boy. But he fessed up. Eventually.) and also a natural charm which meant everyone felt equal. No hierarchy. A selfless side which ensured he got the best out of people which in turn got the best for him. It's a fine line and it often gets lost or forgotten in an office environment.
Anyway Sir Alan picked Lee. I don't do all this male preference stuff. He deserved it - he will learn and for the first time finish and pass his apprenticeship. Good luck to you mate. You know what I'm talking about!
Claire was on Radio Five Thursday am saying she was glad she lost as she would never fit into Sir Alan's organisation. Yeah right. Sometimes graciousness in defeat speaks volumes. She is in the News of the World today - nice.
The big problem now - WHAT to watch on Wednesday evenings?! Help!
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