Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Where have I been?

Not bean.

When not resenting each moment at work, I have been ill. Hiding under the duvet when ill. Hiding under the duvet when not ill. Dreading that MOnday am work related chirpy 'How was your weekend?' Please let me be excused such cross examination.

When not hiding under duvet been online but online playing online games. Check out for such delights. Getting good at Gold Rush, Luxor and Zuma.

Hence few posts and even fewer photos. Been hiding if I am honest. Getting very low and losing sight of things. Too much time alone to think makes me think well here it is mid 30's and erm what have to show for it?

In that space of time I have missed two Gills home games. A sure sign I have not been 100%.

I can report that Strictly Come Dancing Live on the 26th Jan at the all new exactly like the old Wembley Arena, was very good and both Mazza and Lisa enjoyed themselves! Go Matt n Flavia!

Am slowly coming round. Feel much better physically - mentally and emotionally - repairs on going.

So thanks for still checking in and reading.

I can recommend Anne Tyler's 'An Amateur Marriage' by the way. Started on Monday - 100 pages in already. Helped by a v slow tube in this morning and then every southbound train via Charing X terminating at Kennington - where I sat for 30 mins waiting for a tube with a smidge of space for me to get on... ah the joys of London life.

Night - I'm off to listen to Radio 5's super Tuesday - the US election rounds.. fascinating!


Anonymous said...

long time no hear

Karoona said...

mmm - well here i am..