Monday, February 27, 2006

Rock N Roll

After the footie I returned to Victoria. I was due to go to a friends leaving drinks in Putney. But that didn't start until 7.30pm. So I went for a walk helped along by Matchbox Twenty in my earholes. Do you know I was stopped 4 times and asked for directions - I must have that look of A-Z ness required to be stopped. How far to Buck Palace? Where is Oxford Street? Where's the nearest tube station? Who on earth is the team badge on your hat? (Ok I made that one up. No-one ever asks/cares)

So that helped kill 30mins. It was the route Stu and I took in October, only a trifle colder.

Tube to Putney Bridge and The Larrick. Could I find the blighter - no. A pint of Guinness and several sweeps round packed sweaty pub. Text message and generally feeling like a plum (remember I was wearing clothes suitable for sitting for 90 mins in wind chill factor 10 at the footie). I probably looked like a plum by this point. Plus I was a bit hungry and also had a birthday do to go to. So I waited for 30 mins - no response to text. So bit bullet and went back to tube station. It was one of those situations when being single or at least on your own is really awkward. Everyone in the pub seemed young, under dressed and Antipodean. I looked some where between a bag lady and a freak. Not that that overly bothered me - I just felt out of place. And I do so hate drinking alone.

As I got on tube Dave texted back. There was obviously a back room in the pub. Not happy. Anyway here publically I would like to say sorry Dave I failed to overcome my plum-ness and find you. I wish you all the best back in Sydney and hope it goes well. Pleasure working with you, knowing you. Will have to buy you a beer when I get doon under. God speed.

And so back to CW. Where my evening took an interesting twist and turn. The Nelson. It's my local. It has some very good memories and also some utterly horrid ones. The place I met Mr G. The place where we laughed. The place I spent nights in the rather chilly Ladies and cried. A place where I have seen both my worst and best sides. This evening though there was a triple Birthday celebration. Dog invited me Thursday (I must write a piece about Music Night - for it is a special night and sort of ties in with last night) when I was at Music Night. So along I went.

Mr G was there and BL and all the usual Antipodean suspects. (Yes it is a recurring theme) It was the Rev 2 Sheds 70's Disco. Which was entertaining on New Years Eve - but not a bookmarked event for me! Unusually they weren't all sat by the bar but by the pool table. So I sat down and removed several layers of clothes. Had a few drinks and bantered with everyone. Then more people turned up including a few from music night and did what I do best, circulated and yes I confess I boogied! Well Gary Numan's Cars came one and off I went. A dancin plum! Cars is not really the easiest to dance too, especially by yourself. Then a few people joined me. I ended up dancing with a chap called Bruce. Who plays at Music Nights and liked the shapes I was throwing. Transpires he is Scottish. And when the Clash's London Calling came on we moshed! Good laugh. Also got people staring. Ha ha. He came over later and we had a long chat. I guess in hindsight I was being chatted up. Ha ha again. Well it was all good so I'm not going to complain. Good night. Bed by 3am.

And Sunday. Washing. Eating and catching up on an hours worth of ironing. The joys of weekends. They are too short. Got my Bonus Buddy working so can starting the steps again. Lovely!

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