Monday, February 02, 2009


Month Ahead
Happier at home, you'll want to snuggle up close more often, to indulge yourself and entertain more in your intimate surroundings. Though you won't be able to idle for long. Your helter skelter schedule with constant disruptions and changes of plan will keep you on your toes. Not everyone around will be doing what they promise or indeed acting predictably. You'll know your finances need care with a few limits going down, partly on your own generosity or sentimentality. You'll need to be more hard headed. It'll also be important not just to focus on your own situation but to look closely at joint finances as well. You'll need to find a balance between protecting your own security and being co-operative. The 17th could be very successful indeed on the cash front. Your highly positive approach will create its own good luck and since you'll be acting with such wholehearted enthusiasm no one will get in your way. Thereafter you'll be kept on the run attending to a great many small tasks under your feet. You won't be bored but will need to be better organised.

Lucky Days: 1, 2, 11, 25, 26
Yucky Days: 5, 6, 12, 26, 27
Fashion Icon: Zooey Deschanel
Colour: Mascarpone

Pluto is continuing to steadily apply pressure to get you to live up to your maximum potential. You feel it in every fibre of your being and you’re ready for the challenge. This month’s intense Lunar Eclipse on 9 February in your health and work sector signals major change, especially for your day-to-day schedule. Evaluate what may have gotten lopsided and make sure to add in plenty of self-care time. With your planetary ruler, Saturn, still retrograde you can continue to take a few steps back in order to go forward. It’s actually fruitful to look backward as long as you understand the lessons and apply them to present situations. Mars leaves your sign but enters your money sector on 4 February for the duration of month, giving you extra gusto. Now you can pursue new financial ventures without fear. Keep in mind – 2009 is the year to feel your fears and do it anyway. By the end of the year you’ll totally understand exactly what this means.

Your February Forecast: When trouble comes, do you stand and face it, or run away? And if you get a few days' notice, do you start to take preventative measures, or do you wait until the hurricane actually hits before fixing the roof? You have that choice now. An old problem is stirring again. The crunch point is still several weeks away, but if you make the right moves right away you can probably avert the crisis before it happens. I know it's hard to work up a sense of urgency when a problem seems so far away, but try. You'll love yourself for it later.

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