Friday, March 31, 2006

Spring time..

... so the wind blows your new hair do into a bird's nest and the normally quiet walk from Southwark Bridge to Blackfriars Bridge passing Tate Modern becomes an elbows and a tripping expedition. Clearly all the tourists and school parties are now once more returning to their nesting grounds... the 'sights' of London - a rich source of vitamins and nutrients on their annual migration across the globe.. Ah yes the Globe Theatre was rather popular too. Another obvious give away is the rapidly approaching London Marathon and the number of fast scurrying runners which litter the route of the Thames like ants on a mission to get to their destination.

I think I begrudge them using my pavement space whilst feeling inwardly grateful that I can take photos of these sights pretty much whenever I choose and savour the view without getting sweaty whilst I tread upon the self same route.

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