Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Just discovered my stars for November...

Lucky Days: 3, 4, 20, 21, 30
Yucky Days: 7, 8, 13, 14, 28
Fashion Icon: Kate Bosworth
Colour: Tan
The big news of November is the Saturn/Pluto square. Peaking on the 15th but in effect from the 1st, you’ll be feeling this transit deep in your bones. Saturn rules your sign and Pluto is currently in Capricorn until 2024. If it feels like those bones are creaking a bit, it’s just because these heavy-duty planets are on track to destroy whatever isn’t working in your life. It’s not as scary as it sounds; it’s just so that you can rebuild yourself even better than before. You’re the quintessential Sisyphusian figure, constantly climbing mountains that others intentionally avoid. Even you could grow tired this month, darling Capricorn, and you’d do well to take a nice, long break. If you refuse to heed the call and keep pushing, your health could suffer and then you’ll have no choice but to regroup. Why not plan the revitalization in advance? It’s as easy as picking a weekend and booking a holiday in a location where there are truly no distractions. You might even consider leaving your Blackberry at home, if you dare.

Blimey - that's exactly what I did!!!!!!! Spooky.

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