Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Inner Guide

You are much more intuitive than you think you are, karen! Yes, you are a very practical and pragmatic soul, but your hunches are strong, even if you don't always listen to them. Tuesday you may have a flash of insight, as the bright Sun in your sector of your sixth sense sextiles Neptune, so be sure to pay attention to what your inner guide tells you. You may be unhappy in your yoga class because your vibes just don't mesh with those of your teacher. That's OK - it's a sign to get up off your mat and seek instruction, and enlightenment, elsewhere! You will find you are overloaded with household chores, favors to do for friends, and errands to run on Thursday as the Moon in Capricorn squares stern Saturn, your ruler. Your own needs will go on the backburner as you spend time attending to others, at least for a while. You'll embark on an inward journey this weekend, as you strive to get to know yourself better. Sunday, Mars turns retrograde in Leo in your sector of self-awareness and personal power, and you'll reflect on the best way to transform yourself, and your life, over the course of the next three months.
December: Lucky Days: 7, 8, 17, 18, 26
Yucky Days: 3, 4, 9, 10, 25
Fashion Icon: Kate Bosworth
Colour: Gold
Hold on to your hat (and your heart for that matter) because you’re in for one very tumultuous spin in your relationship arena this month. You can probably already feel the big Lunar Eclipse in Cancer brewing in your partnership sector. This will provoke major changes–from the way you view your significant other to the kinds of people you will attract in the coming year. Time has been flying by at supersonic speed for you lately, so you’ll welcome the mid-month slow down when Mars and Mercury both go retrograde and force an easier pace. Although this makes business a bit of a bitch, you’ll appreciate the rare breather it will impose—especially in the midst of the frenetic holiday season. Who couldn’t use a little time-out? When the Sun enters your constellation on the 21st marking the Winter Solstice, you’re officially in your glory. Trade cheers for fears Capricorn—amazing things await you on the other side of 2009.

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