Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Took said cake to work. Only one near thank you/compliment.
Went to WW - back under 11st. Which pleased me. Didn't stop with work all day really. The constant performer. Silently toiling away in the background. Sometimes it feels like a conductor of an orchestra.. making sure all the elements make the right sounds and bring the melodies together at the right time.
Went swimming and did my 40 lengths in 30 minutes. I was quite pleased bearing in mind its been a fortnight and too many ciggies since I last went. There are a surfeit of pregnant ladies coming on a Monday evening now too. Which got me thinking about feeling weightless and to an extent natal. Swimming at this time of year feels a real pleasure - with the sun streaming in through the windows. The water looks clear and for a momentary glance you could be on a cruise in the med. Floating along you feel warm and safe. The quietness and ease with which all the other beings glide through the water. Its quite relaxing as well as being a pretty good work out for bingo wings.. better than tread milling I fear.
Then as I wandered back to Moorgate hair drying in the sun and turning curly I passed a girl with a huge double bass perched on her back. The size of it dwarfed her. That got me to thinking about what a great instrument to actually play. Place between your legs, hold and stroke the strings to produce a sound. Then my mind connected the two sensations of natal swimming and encapsulating a huge instrument between your thighs. Then I realised it was probably my sub-conscience reminding me that sex is something I have not had for a while... hey ho.

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