Monday, May 18, 2009

Patience Pays Off

The event you have been waiting for finally arrives this week, karen, and you are going to breathe a sigh of relief once that long-anticipated occasion happens. On Monday, the radiant Sun in Taurus conjuncts Mercury retrograde trine your personal Zodiac Sign of the resolute Mountain Goat, and you will see one of your most cherished dreams come true. You are very determined, and you never give up, even if you do occasionally become discouraged when your circumstances don't fit your life plan. This week, you receive a wonderful reminder from the Universe that patience pays off and your hard work is always ultimately rewarded. Hooray for your fortitude! You need to scramble on Wednesday as the Moon in impulsive Aries in your sector of home and family is quincunx your ruler, Saturn. You'll run into hidden snags when you attempt to undergo a repair project in your house, which will end up taking longer than you thought. Whether you are trying to fix a leaky faucet or patch up crumbling molding on your kitchen window, once you take out your work tools, you are going to be busy for quite some time. Consider asking a friend or relative for assistance.

Workwise, here's a likely week for fire-fighting. If you can find time for research, not least into pettifogging financial matters, so much the better. Saturn's imminent turn-around signals a more accommodating phase through to autumn, during which what you do stays done. Clear the decks. Romance? Warming up.

Month Ahead This is your time to be spontaneous, let your hair down and play more often. Avoid anyone who looks like trying to tie you into their agenda since it won't suit. You need to be yourself and as flamboyantly as you please. OK so there may be a few old resentments coming back from the past which will unsettle you at home. Try to give yourself space to think them through and clear them out of your mind once and for all. If there are delays at work then take bring your concerns home after hours. Just recognise that it's in the nature of the time and is only temporary. Mid month you'll be trying to unpick a small financial tangle caused largely by being too hopeful or just plain careless. If you can resolve in advance to be utterly clear sighted and realistic then you're less likely to lose out. Getting swept up in a get rich quick scheme or some other pie in the sky idea will only end up in disappointment. In the final days you'll be working hard, sorting out muddles at home successfully and feeling good.

Lucky Days: 3, 4, 12, 13, 22
Yucky Days: 5, 6, 19, 20, 27
Fashion Icon: Helena Christensen
Colour: Off-white
Resist an overwhelming urge to give up on something that’s had so many fits and starts that you’ve lost count. If you did choose to act on any frustrating feelings, you might end up betraying your own integrity-driven nature. Trust that things are in temporary disarray for now. Most everyone’s judgement is severely impaired as a result of the Mercury retrograde phase that lasts between 6 May and 30 of May. Even your stellar objectivity is being affected, so you might want to weigh all external factors over inner sensibility until after the 30th. The New Moon in your work sector brings fresh perspective to an agonizing issue with a colleague. It’s needed resolution for eons, so thank the stars for helping you to work it out. Just don’t put anything into writing until next month if possible. This is not a time for contracts, commitments or new ventures. Stick to the tried and true, or even the old and resurrected—just avoid the new and too good to be true.

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