Monday, April 27, 2009

Clearing Clutter

As Mars has now moved into your home zone, karen, a burst of enthusiasm may be encouraging you to clear out clutter and get on with any projects that have been on the backburner. If you are finding it difficult to move from room to room without feeling despair at all the junk accumulating in the corners and on tabletops, this is the time to do something about it. Your energy levels will rise dramatically once the rubbish has gone. So be ruthless, and get rid of anything that you don't need. Simplify your life, and you will have more freedom on all levels. With Venus in this zone, it is a good time to entertain, whether you want to invite business colleagues, family, or friends around. However, as Venus squares Pluto on Saturday, don't arrange anything at this time as it may not be as pleasant an experience as you had hoped. Mercury moves into Gemini and into your health zone on Thursday, encouraging you to research your options in this area. If you want to get into shape, talk to fitness fanatics and personal trainers, read books, or surf the Internet for the answers. At work, you are keen to share your ideas and to promote discussion on areas of interest.

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