Monday, April 20, 2009

Be Yourself

karen, you are finally ready to be yourself and show the world who you really are, no questions asked, and that's wonderful! You have struggled for a long time with low self-esteem, and you have often found yourself playing a role when you deal with others. On Thursday, the bold Sun in Taurus trines potent Pluto in Capricorn in your sector of self, and your confidence and self-assurance will rise high. Your bold new faith in yourself will enable you to strut your stuff proudly! After all, what difference does it make what anyone thinks of you and your lifestyle as long as you are happy with yourself and your choices? You have waited a long time to set the record straight with a family member and settle the long-standing issues that keep you and your relative apart, and on Friday, you and your loved one will finally have the opportunity to reconcile your differences as lovely Venus enters Aries and your sector of home and family. You and your family member will be able to start afresh and forge new bonds of communication and affection. You might also decide to revamp your home décor and begin an ambitious new decorating project for your living space.
You know this may actually be right?!

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