Thursday, March 05, 2009


left knee is buggered. Think I over walked it yesterday and now it really hurts....ouch...


Anonymous said...

Ibuprofen, ice pack 3x a day, keep it raised, higher than your hip, whenever you can - that's Dr Zig's advice x

Karoona said...

thanks Zig - it has defo got worse - as if I twisted it. looks a bit bulbous too... have got a sports support round it now ... deep heat this morning. will ice and raise when I get home!

Karoona said...

Dear Dr Zig
I went home last night and raised my knee and used my trusty hot water bottle to soothe said knee. It does feel much better today - and with footie of the TV most of tomorrow and the Gills away I intend to do much of the same tomorrow to be totally sure!! (Perhaps with a large glass of red wine!)
SO thx u for ur top tips! OTBC! UTG!