Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Archers..

....Please post comments - observations here....!

thank you!

Starter for ten... it's a simple tale of everyday country folk.. (who at the moment seem preoccupied with having affairs with other people. That's the onset of winter for you and of course the threat of lessening EU subsidy)

For those of you not in the know check it out here!


Anonymous said...

The big question is whose side are you on: David, who although tempted has done nothing and has put Satan behind him; or, that poison dwarf Geordie, who is using the rift she created with her husband as an excuse to cop off with her employee.

It is a tricky one isn't it.

Karoona said...

I am erring on the side of David. He was a typical male. Flattered by the attentions of an ex-girlfriend and tickled pink by her flirting with him. He was as they say led by his trousers like a sheep to the slaughter. However he did at least wake up to this and nip it in the bud. Ruth on the other hand... well she has always been a odd case. She just wants to make the most of someone showing an interest in her esp since her illness etc. I just dread anothe Schula and the doctor type scene... rustling duvets etc etc... *shudder*

Anonymous said...

Ohmigod I remember that. At least they got physical before they got romantic like Brian and Siobhan, whereas Sam and Ruth seem to be already planning a life together after one week of furtive snogging. I am not sure that is believable; surely, as we get older it is our bodies that "betray" us first and then we rationalise it.

Isn't it a bit sexist and cliched that the man almost does it because of sex but the woman can only do it because of love?

As a general tip though do not listen to the passion in the cowshed via your headphones.

Anonymous said...

I heard a rumour that the reason they are pushing the development of this story forward more quickly than I think is believable is they need a big denoument for the 15,000th episode which is approaching fast.

Not having listened since the omnibus of course it might already have happenned.

Karoona said...

Oh dear. It all seems vaguely out of character for these particular individuals. It has none of the slow burning believability that the Eddie/Will and Emma story had. One thing for sur e- my Mum is gonna be miffed she miffed all this action!!

Anonymous said...

good comment, karoona - slow burn is the way.

Rather than Sam sounding like a crazed version of Mellors.

Would he really finish with Kirstie for Ruth? I wouldn't.

Anonymous said...

they were advertising it before the news on the Today programme - with echoing effects and everything like they did when Emma and Ed and Will had their issues.

Karoona said...

They really are ramping it up... How can they make it more explosive? I mean is Ruth really going to jack in Brookfield for Sam the cow man? What about the kids? (not goats fellow viewers!) its all very disturbing. Oh well I shall wait and see what Sunday's Omnibus proves....

Anonymous said...

I heard Usher telling Ruth last night that if she (Ruth)sleeps with Sam there will be no going back. Two thoughts a) I thought they already had made the beast with two backs b) is this being written in the 1950's?

Karoona said...

Is that Usher the pop star, or Usha the lawyer?!?

Beastly backs not yet made but heavy petting from the Geordie pet and the Devonian goblin has taken place. It was not a pleasant ear sensation...

Which night exactly in the 15,000th episode? Is it tonight when Ruth visits her college frined who has moved from Basingstoke to Oxford?! ;-) ;-) Not sure I can handle too much more snog sound effect...

Anonymous said...

agree re sound effects - it is the aural equivalent of Channel 5's new "education" programme on Monday night after 11!

Karoona said...

I have just found someone else who has at least heard of the programme to which you refer (A girls guide to 21st century sex) but as yet still no-one who has seen the true graphic nature of this 'education'....

Anonymous said...

so what did you make of last night, karoona?