Friday, September 04, 2009


Lucky Days: 8, 9, 16, 17, 25
Yucky Days: 5, 6, 12, 13, 19
Fashion Icon: Zooey Deschanel
Colour: Radiant
Ready yourself for a month of miscommunication Capricorn. The Full Moon falls in your house of correspondence, thinking and siblings on 4 September. This lunation promises to flood your inbox with myriad messages. Use your grounded wisdom to discern a true emergency from a hyped-up drama. Before you feel like you must immediately respond and save everyone crying out for help, check in with yourself. Remember that this is an insanely chaotic time prior to taking any action. Mercury spends the majority of September in retrograde in your house of higher thinking and travel, so escape is not a viable option if you’re looking for an “easy” way out. The New Moon on 18 September will bring better news concerning future travel if you can just hold off until the end of October when Mercury is back in phase. Your ruler Saturn has a chance to settle into its exalted home of Libra this autumn, and it should feel mighty nice for you. In the meantime, it’s a good thing patience is one of your most accessible virtues, because you’ll need heaps of it to endure the madness of September.

Your Month Ahead: The world is changing, right before your eyes. Little is as it once was. Each day brings something new to digest and consider. That's why you feel so keen to protect and preserve a part of the past. It somehow suggests a sense of safety. Be careful, History is a false refuge. Only the future affords true protection! And the only truly safe way to get there is by allowing yourself to adjust and adapt. Be fluid, be flexible and be ready to start moving in a new direction. You may feel daunted by what's now being asked of you, but you'll soon feel proud that you managed to rise to the challenge so well.

Establish some firm personal boundaries with your boss on the 3rd. News about a property deal improves your home life on the 4th but could create problems around the professional front. You could get contradictory information from your boss on the 7th; ask for a clarification to be put in writing. The 11th finds you overextending yourself. Be realistic about what you can afford on the 15th. Adopting a more charitable outlook will help fight depression on the 17th. The 18th invites you to take an advanced class or get your degree. Let a skilled person teach you the ropes around the 20th. The 21st is good for restoring a beautiful but shabby work of art. Any contract you sign on the 22nd could prove restrictive. Don't take advantage of your authority on the 23rd. The 29th has you reconsidering some long held political or religious beliefs.

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