Monday, January 10, 2011

this week...

Your Week Ahead starting Saturday 8 January 2011: Every law has a loophole and every cloud has a silver lining. We often attain greatest success as a direct result of our ability to think inventive thoughts and to read between the lines. Your own talent in this area is about to reward you. To fully engage your creativity, though, you must first disengage the 'emotional gear' you are driving forward in. Your current psychological journey requires you to cover a lot of ground. You care deeply about what is happening all around. That's admirable. But if you care too much, you'll get too caught up in the detail. Keep the broader view in mind. Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: 'Let your yeah be yeah and your no be no.' This was Jimmy Cliff's motto. Usually it is your motto too. It is always comforting to be clear. Indecision is like an icy wind, blowing into a warm house through some crack in the window. It's impossible to properly relax around such a nuisance. Lately, there has been far too much uncertainty for comfort - and even where things have been definite, those definites have not been easy to accept. That's partly why you have been so keen to keep your options open. But current cosmic conditions suggest you can be clear and sure about something that inspires you.

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