Tuesday, January 04, 2011

January Japes

Lucky Days: 3, 4, 12, 13, 21
Yucky Days: 10, 11, 17, 18, 23
Fashion Icon: Sienna Miller
Colour: Snow White
This is your time of the year, Capricorn. The stars are truly aligning in your favour! And with the New Moon solar eclipse in Capricorn on 4 January, your New Year gets off to quite a deliberate and unmistakably driven start. You begin the month possessed by the feeling that there is no time to waste this year—and right you are. With a life agenda like yours, there truly are no seconds that can’t be put to good use for your over-achieving cause. The Full Moon in your relationship sector brings some one-to-one dramas to a head on 19 January. If you’re not already in a relationship, be open to cupid’s arrow around this date. When Saturn goes retrograde on 25 January you may feel like someone suddenly slammed on the breaks, but consider this a necessary pause-and-reflect period. You’ll have a chance to look back over all of your partnership lessons since last June. Look at how much you’ve learned about yourself during the past six months, using all of your intimate encounters as a lens. You’re still determining the losers and the keepers in your life; there’s little room left for anyone in between.


Jump right in. The dark, dank days of winter are, as every Goat knows, custom made for hard work (with occasional forays to the underground vault to ensure your fortune is intact). Today’s new Moon squares your planet, Saturn, making the realisation of last year’s endeavours the month’s business. ‘Realisation’ in this instance meaning shaking on a deal, a tangible purchase, gaining a job. At the least you need clear acknowledgment of where professional duties and responsibilities start and finish.

Thanks to the recent Mercury Retrograde you’re playing catch-up until the messenger planet makes up lost ground, around the 17th. The presence of Mercury’s whirring wings brings Important News over the next month – stay in touch. Mars whose assertive energies are by tradition ‘exalted’ in the Goat’s skies, is also on side until the 17th, adding to the sense of things moving quickly.

In short, it’s a time for no-messing (heaven help those who tangle with you just now). Today’s new Moon in your sign is a solar eclipse (super fresh start imminent if it’s your birthday today) while the full Moon of the 19th falls in the last, wild card degree of your sign. That sound you can hear if of Capricorns drawing a line under the recent past.

Fresh starts arrive in a steady stream in the early part of the year. Jupiter crosses the root of your ‘scope on January 22nd to shake up your domestic agenda over the ensuing four months. A swift overhaul of Capricorn Towers fits the bill, even relocation, though awkward but intense April may find the holes in your plans and the cracks in your foundations.

Jupiter’s arrival in Taurus (a fellow earth sign) in June is an even fresher start, opening up an 18 month spell when your commitment to your profession is rivalled by the non-work worlds of travel, hobbies and kids. Enjoyment in short. It’s a chance to remind the world that fertility and joy are as much part of your make-up as resourcefulness and duty. Promising times for lovers too.

The distant speck of Pluto continues to traverse the early degrees of the Sea Goat (that’s you, with fishy tail). Pluto has a spooky reputation – consider the myth of the god of the underworld – but it can mark a moment of longed-for transformation; consider the case of Ed Miliband (b. 24/12/69) who became leader at the point when Pluto crossed his Capricorn Sun. Birthdays between 22-29 December have Pluto’s attention this year.
Your January Monthly Forecast: Things often go wrong. That's why many people feel it's appropriate to be pessimistic. Sometimes, though, things work out wonderfully well. Often we don't notice how well the world works until it stops working the way that we want it to. Or that, at least, is what the optimists say, and they may well have a point. So, should you be optimistic or pessimistic in January? Well, actually, you can be as pessimistic as you want to be! It's not going to make much difference. You don't need to rely on the power of positive thought to have a positive experience. The solar eclipse in your sign insists it's coming your way, anyway.

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