Thursday, January 26, 2006

Notes from the little grey book...

I was kindly given two hard backed note books for Christmas - the larger one sits by my bed for capturing dreams and thoughts when I am at home the smaller one resides in my bag and allows me to jot post tube journeys..

Today I jotted three things....
1) Sven-Gate - a rant I should have had yesterday when it was really in the news and making me seethe. All stemming from a NOTW expose on Sunday... WHY WHY WHY do the English press have such POWER over everything. It's a game. It's not life or death - yet from the news and papers it is life and death. Let it lie until AFTER the World Cup. The English game has been so influenced by an Aussie living in America that teh back drop has changed - natural English successors are few and far between. And for the average fan most of the stories kicking about now will be a distant memory when England start playing in June.. all the fan will want is our team WINNING and going all the way.. not what Sven did with a Fake Shiekh....SO to look for a successor now detracts from the first hurdle - getting a fit squad who can do the biz. Sven has an impressive record.. lets stop looking for the scratches and let the music play...

2) Celebrity Big Brother - how I got involved in watching this I can only attribute to the fact I have had to spend in-ordinate amounts of time with my knee raised with either a cold or a hot compress on it. So anyway I begin watching spurred on by a friend liking the Ordinary Boys and the band member Preston being in the house. And then George G being a pussy with Rula - somehow cringe worthy yet so utterly unbelievable you had to keep watching to see if it was really real. It was.
And the dynamics of the house - no humour - no sense of companionship - just raised voices and Pete Burns in great coloured wigs and revealing way too much of the filling of his tights in the diary room. Tonight a double eviction.... Out with ya George! Out with ya Dennis! Let's see....

3) The proximity of the Old Bailey always intrigues me and this week some of the most high profile cases are going on - and yes the press pack are out in force... oh how different life could have been!

And as I am running out of steam and want to share a photo or two of London @ night I will end by saying - Aussie returned safe and sound and it's been lovely having my old mate back for chit chat, a hug and a pint (within walking distance of my house = no escalators!!)

More soon....

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