Monday, December 06, 2010

Decisive December?

Lucky Days: 6, 7, 16, 17, 25
Yucky Days: 1, 14, 15, 22, 28
Fashion Icon: Kate Moss
Colour: Stone
December could feel like a series of push-pulls and stops and starts. When Mercury goes retrograde in your sign on 10 December, you’ll suddenly feel like you’re thrown into a series of nostalgic reveries; relationship ghosts will be returning from the past. Regression anyone? Use this retrospective time to your advantage by looking more deeply within rather than trying to force changes on the outside. Everything is stalled and delayed under Mercury’s influence at the moment so you’re better off conserving your energy and waiting until the timing is right. Delay important contract signings and other such correspondence as long as you can. If you don’t have a choice, just be sure to double-check all of the important clauses and get second opinions. There will be plenty of re-doing over the next few weeks to be sure. The Full Moon Eclipse right on the Winter Solstice (the auspicious day when the Sun enters Capricorn) will bring a radical and unmistakable shift in direction on 21 December. Keep yourself tuned into all of the messages directing you and don’t be afraid to make the necessary changes even if they present a strange paradox to your status quo. It’s ultimately good for you, Goat, especially because the Sun will be in your sign as the clock strikes 2011.

Keep in mind that you are juggling one awkward, indeed, bizarre schedule for the next month and you can keep the wheels of industry and romance spinning. You are obliged to be the multi-faceted multi-tasker in any case, so while the peak of your attention will doubtless stay on your professional status (and the workplace politics required to secure it), advantages also come from playing social butterfly (yes, you) and from being a sly solo wolf.

An exalted Mars is the wolf in question. The red planet arrives in your skies on December 7 and departs mid-January, calling for a nettle-grasping approach to problems that have stuck around long enough. Good time for unpopular decisions! An encounter between Mars and Pluto on the 14th has a touch of crisis about it, and shows you the limitations of the muscular approach.

Everything is complicated by messenger Mercury retreating out of your skies. If you can’t get your way, at least get a commitment from others that things will happen in January.

If your birthday is at 24th- 28th, the stakes could be high, so there is no point rushing things. But equally, given the urgency of your personal position, you can’t postpone indefinitely. Inch forward by tough negotiation.

No point postponing anything social. Venus, the planet of ‘hail-fellow-well-met’, not to mention ‘Is she really going with him, why not me?’, is on hand all month to smooth your path in group situations, be they earnest seminars or nutty parties. Continue to make common cause. If you don’t get the invitation you wanted, invite yourself.

Still, look up and you’ll see Saturn, the Mountain Goat’s planet, atop your ‘scope in commanding position. Your public life – principally the career – remains under scrutiny, and the need to adapt to fresh, maybe extreme conditions cannot be dodged. You have to work with The System without becoming overwhelmed by it. (Isn’t that the Goat’s speciality?) That goes double if your birthday is in 59-60, 67-68 or 81-2. Your birthday season is a peak month for pressure until well into 2011.

The arrival of the unconquered Sun at Camp Capricorn on the 21st merits a cheer; it’s your birthday month. The accompanying lunar eclipse completes a long goodbye to a situation that you have been trying to leave behind for the last couple of years, maybe way longer. Whatever you wish to jettison from your past now floats away like so much space junk.
Your December Monthly Forecast: What is this we see before us? It looks, distinctly, like a crisis of conscience. But surely, it cannot be. What great moral issue do you need to stop and examine? Why should your life require a sudden change of attitude and direction? You know the answer better than I - or at least, you will do by the end of December. Mars is passing through your sign. A symbolic, emotive choice must be made. You may well find that 'events' precipitate all this. A key factor may start to stand in your way and prevent progress until you have reached a decision. You will, though, be glad of the outcome of your inner wrestling match.

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