Monday, February 08, 2010

Week ahead

Capricorn 22 Dec-19 Jan You're over the first hump in 2010's road (a Saturn-Pluto square) and are promised an even stretch of life's highway for the next month or two. A flurry of instructions and paperwork are in order before Mercury leaves your skies mid-week; sign off January's unfinished business. The incoming phase is less about issuing orders and form-filling, however, than finding an authentic, individual voice with which to express yourself.
Your week has only just begun. Are you ready for what it wants to bring you? Hopefully not - for if you are too eager to embrace your next opportunity, you won't apply enough discrimination. But if you think you have nothing to look forward to, think again. Think of how good things could be, how well they could turn out, how smoothly and swiftly some problems could be solved. Don't jump to pessimistic conclusions. Indeed, head away from all negative assumptions and critical judgements. Just keep an open mind and you'll soon see reason to open your heart. Something, somewhere up there, wants only the best for you. Week Ahead Part Two - Love Focus: We all know what to say when we're not standing in front of the person we need to say something to. We all know how we should have reacted once a moment has passed and we have had some time to think. We all have opinions about how others ought to handle their problems. Yet life has a way of putting us just where we're not sure we can cope with being. You're at the edge of your ability to understand a situation. How should you respond to a source of pressure? You are being stretched and you are learning a valuable lesson. From this you can (and will) only profit. Look for something good this week and you will find it.

Capricorn, you tend to keep your thoughts and feelings hidden. This week you'll start to reveal yourself to others as Venus enters Pisces in your sector of communication and self-expression on Thursday. You'll feel comfortable stating your opinion in any situation you encounter. On Friday you'll discover how far outside your comfort zone you want to go. Mars retrograde in Leo is quincunx Pluto in Capricorn and you'll push the envelope and allow your new boldness to take center stage in your life. You'll reassess your priorities on Saturday based on what you really want out of life.

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