Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Festive viewing tonight then!!
'Lose 30 Stone or Die' - I decided to give it a miss - for the equally joyous 'Spooks'. Nice of them to name check LV2 though and drive a bomb laden van under Holborn Viaduct.

Had a productive day at work - felt like the first really productive day for an age - I guess I underestimate the worth of day to day diplomacy so it was nice to immerse myself in project plans and dealing with those that can make it happen.

Had my long walk home to loose the shoulders and clear the mind.

Savacentre - whereupon a festive urge hit me and I bought cards for the team - well maybe its the least I can do, wish them well.

Needless to say I did not get in until 9pm.. so I am now just about chilled and relaxed - despite some rather unpleasant shooting pains in my chest earlier...

Must be time for bed now - got a full morning ahead...

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