Well I can't lie I have always had a fascination for the man. Intrigued by the suggestions of bi-sexuality, the tales of drugs and the lifestyle of a man who has divided public opinion. Seems you either love him or loathe him. And I love him. His work. His individuality.
The joy of an MP3 is that you can go random. Towards the start of the year under my Capricorn moon that's where I went - random Bowie. The journey of my discovery into his music playing through my mind. The initiation - Buddha of Suburbia I referred to a post or two back and then Friday on BBC 4 total wall to wall Bowie. It was during the Ziggy concert I realised I needed to know more.
So at that moment I went scooting through my book shelf.
When my brother moved to Australia the annual Christmas and Birthday present trauma was easily filled with books and c-ds, so thanks to Stu I have an extensive collection of Bowie biographies and indeed some rarer Bowie mixes. The books have been show pieces - until now.
It sounds strange but I was put off reading them as I felt they would erode my perceptions and adoration for the artiste. But 10 chapters into Living on the Brink I am more inspired and enthralled than ever before. It helps that his formative years were spent in downtown Kent - Bromley/Beckenham. His early backing bands from the shores of Kent. And this evening I learnt with amusement he had had a gig in Gillingham. Now those really were the hey days for the culture starved Medway town!!
I am not sure now if my parents ever understood the skinny freak who appeared on the scene in the early 70's when I was but a mere twinkle in the eye. The year of my birth Ziggy Stardust was being retired. Seems I came on the scene too late. At 26 he was performing to manic audiences in the most revealing and feminine costumes he could muster. Like a leper messiah.
Planetface refers to the Magpie qualities. As I am fast learning David Jones was a teenage intellectual and read books like kids today play Wii games. He studied stuff that interested him. For me to find him during the Buddha of Suburbia phase juxtaposes the themes that pulled Bowie away from cabaret and drew him into the rock n roll star he became.
At the start of the week high my reading and overdosing on random MP3 music I had an argument with the First Man. Seems its easy to poo poo Bowie on the basis of 'Tin Machine' and all his work post Ziggy. What folly. Bowie works best as a solo artist backed by a trusted and flexible band.
I can't even shorten my list of fave albums to 5 - cos across his career I admire certain works for very different reasons. 'Outside' - story telling music, the time I was back at home after a whirlwind extra year at Leicester post University. Some of my closest friends are still stored in my mobile based on the Bowie characters. 'Ziggy Stardust' - for I was his 'Lady Stardust'; 'Aladdin Sane'; the Thin White Duke; the Buddha of Suburbia. 'Reality' - an album for its time. I agree his experimentation into drum 'n' bass was not necessarily the easiest to listen too - but 'Little Wonder' still makes me smile from the Earthling LP. Notice how I have worked forward first. It's all too easy to cite Hunky Dory, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (yes I do put that in my top 5!), Aladdin Sane, Pin Ups, Diamond Dogs, Station to Station, Low (in my Top 5), Heroes, Scary Monsters (and super creeps), Let's Dance, Black Tie White Noise.. do I have to continue? But of these which do you place in Top 5? 5 just isn't enough. The point is he has a massive back catalogue..
Why am I doing this? Well why not? Knowledge is power. It's an influence. It's a great read, to be taken back to those early days and work out the parts of London he flourished in and wonder will there ever be a Bowie like musician ever again?
Chances are - no.

Love him or hate him... he will leave a legacy.
I am just glad I got to see him on his last tour.
I am just glad that he did the decent thing and recorded a single with my other fave band, Placebo (Without You I'm Nothing).
I am just glad to have found an influence which makes me think - why do you like this chap's music?
Variety. Depth of feeling. Scant regard for tradition. And yes I do tap my feet. I wanna sing along. I wish I'd been at Hammersmith in 1973....
Let's Dance.
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