We used to do those at primary school. Dressed in clothes covered in rags and jigging around with big sticks. One of very few primary school memories I still retain - the others far less romantic! Getting detention for running through the boys toilets. What went on behind the trees at the bottom of the playing field. Mr Lewis administering smacks with plimsolls in one of the mobile classrooms. Yes in my day mobiles were not mini-portable-technical-gadgets purporting to be telephones, they were cold and smelly asbestos (well maybe not - (then again)) cases raised on bricks on the tennis courts, or hidden at the back of school buildings. Our primary school had 2 of them. My secondary school 2 and my grammar school 9. Well, why build proper schools when you can fill an empty box with desks and a blackboard?
Has it affected me? Not sure but the man in green to the left is intriguing me.
Either way remember kids your Christmas decorations must be down by Sunday!
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