Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Day Two in the House...

well well well... guess it was the bar and try as I might that headachey feeling I had cannot be blamed on the rather huge pillows - though my neck was sore this morning and I did feel a bit blurry...I then spent a good 5 mins trying to work out how the shower worked... when I did manage it I was almost washed down the plug hole the power shower had arrived in my life... and boy did that wake up the parts my shower at home does not.

Anyway today we soldiered on. Breakfast was ok - bit quiet but the fruit salad was out of this world.. well not quite but it had a good all round variety of types.

'Refreshed' the day began - with catching a ball - oh the relief not to drop it due to crossed eyes!

And then Myers Briggs scoring. I did my test after 3 glasses of adequate red wine last night (not sure I will be able to claim drinks consumption back to firm - darn) and was perhaps more relaxed and free to choose my preferred answers as opposed to my unwittingly conditioned ones... as such I went from being an Extrovert to an Introvert and from an Intuitive being to a Sensing being... eh?! I was, when did the test a year ago, a hardy ENTJ - I am now an ISTJ... I was perplexed. I feel happier about it now. Quietly consoled by the fact I feel happier in myself to be introverted - or maybe my return to childhood starts here?! Ho ho. We then did bits on Active Listening (pardon?!)and feedback (step away from the mike please) and then in the final exercise of the day watched as the whole group ignored most of these tools and let the bossy ones run the show. Ah active learning. Today has been on a personal level very good though - I feel energised and much more confident about myself than I have for a long time. I guess by not going to the bar tonight I am mentally testing the reaction of the other people on the course... more on that in the future. I did though court controversy by saying I despised cars...most of the dinner table looked aghast. Maybe my long term green thinking ways are too advance for most people. I'm not sure many had even thought about their personal contributions...

I am still struggling though without Radio Five - I have no idea who is doing what in the play-offs and even less about the England squad which Sven has picked - so thanks for the cryptic texts which have filtered through but I have no idea of what you speak!!! So right now I am off to the Beeb website... until Day Three ttfn.


Furry said...

Less the ENTJ, more the ISTJ. I think that's spot on. Given the wine influence as well. Perhaps a bottle of wine on the Northern Line each morning before work will solve everything?

Anonymous said...

Don't you even get newspapers? It sounds like some sort of attempt to disorientate you by removing your usual signposts. If they start talking about Scientology make a run for it.

Karoona said...

I have re-thought this - more INTJ...