Monday, May 22, 2006


This picture sums up my weekend. Watching some DVD films. Listening to music. The trainers were part of my purchasing yesterday. Not a bad deal from Sportsworld - shame the entire shopping experience was so depressing. Without a game of football to attend let alone plug into I decided to go for a wander and replce my trainers. Eventually after trying on about 4 dresses at TK Maxx and pondering some shoes in Next I ended up with my Lonsdale Camden's. I say eventually as finding the other of the pair was like looking for a needle in a haystack and the shop assitants were old enough to be my children and were not exactly keen to help or take my money. But I got there in the end. Missed all the showers so Saturday was a result.

Went to SavaCentre but the sheer number of people told me it was a bad idea to proceed. Doesn't matter how loud the Chili's are playing in your ears Saturday shopping is just no fun. I did though but some sunshine coloured flowers and they make a lovely display in the lounge. Aaah the peacefulness of a nice bunch of flowers.

Today has been film day. Memento and Interview with a Vampire. The rain did not stop for most of the day so the knowledge all washing got dry yesterday meant I could afford myself a nice long lay in. The Archers. And the Championship play off on the radio. Well done to Watford and those stonking ex Gills players Marlon and Darius.

Tomorrow I return to the office - and will be at a new desk. As I said once before in a diary entry (21st May 2001) - new desk new danger. But the view will be much more enticing! And I do mean the one out of the window - not inside the room - that for a week is going to be somewhat testing.. At least my potential bailiff problem has been sorted. Or so I have been told. No further contact there I fear.

Aaah the weekend - put yer feet up and think about the week just gone and how you would like to play the coming week a bit differently. Rollercoasters and thrills.

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