I spent Saturday doing an impression of Anneka Rice - well ok, only in that I was chasing a moveable target - not in that I was wearing bright pink lycra and being persued by a camera crew. As it was not sure the reason I was weaving in and out of soggy tourists was even around. That said not a bad reason to rack up 10,000 footsteps and get some much needed fresh air. But the weather was none too pleasant - warm and wet. So by the time I had gone from London Bridge to Blackfriars Bridge and then wended my way to M&S Moorgate I was damp inside and out. Success at Marks though - shoes for Friday and super shaper tights as well. The afternoon was a football treat - Swans on the radio, Gillingham all stars in the Wales v Trindad game on Beeb 2 and the Soccer Aid match on ITV. (WHY SOCCER GUYS?!?! In this country we call it FOOTBALL).
Saturday pm was catching up with Funlands. Dark and dirty. Blackpool for beginners?!
Sunday I hot footed down to Kent. Reading my 'Software Estimation' book and indulging in some sunshine. The premise of the trip was to get my dress altered and to go for pukka fish n chips with the folks and our friends. Hence the title of this post!
After much debate Mum and I decided my floor length dress is actually scarlet not cerise - which is perhaps just as well! Several fittings and pin pricks later the required alterations were tacked and ready to go. A few accessories tried and a wrap secured it all looked very glam! I may yet pull it off and stride in looking like a Hollywood great and not like a white rabbit. Now all I have to hope is that there is no rain Friday pm otherwise I will be turning up as a drowned rat in a damp scarlet dress!
My arrival to the country residence (!) was met with one of my Dad's novel obssessions.....
His GRASS!!! It's like going to Lord's! The driveway has been a never ending source of ribbing. But for some reason my Dad expends countless hours making it look like a wicket. It is two tone at the moment due to the fact the end nearest the house has been re-seeded and the end furthest has not - so you can guess his next mission... I have often threatened to acquire a Robin Reliant and 'hehem' come visit him and park said car off the cul-de-sac and on the drive... ... best not huh?!
He was in the garden planting up his beans and berating the wet ground - he'll eat his words when there is no rain in July/August!
Sunday pm plenty of food and chit chat. Forgotten that necking a rather tasty glass of red wine could have such a loosening effect! The only cloud all weekend my ex ringing and texting me to tell me it was over and that he had wasted his life. I deleted. Sighed and wished he had realised all these things a year ago. When I did.
Monday morning rang my brother - the theory being if I ring from the folks phone then both of us are enjoying the benefits of spending the inheritance! He seemed in good spirits considering. Seems I will most certainly be getting promoted to grooms man! So I need to find a weeding (SIC) suit! String for belts anyone?!
Then me n the folks bravely trooped to Westgate for a stroll along the coast to Margate. It rained as soon as we stopped the car. In fact it didn't stop. So we drove closer to Margate. More rain. Hail. Wind. It eased and we tooled up with our jumpers and wet weather gear. But it was just not happening. So after half an hour or so of commentating on the occupants of other parked cars (the compulsive eater/the fisherman/the female struggling with bicycles/the Westgate underworld genreally) we gave up and drove home. Needless to say lovely sunny weather for that. Until we got indoors and 20 minutes later full blown thunder storm, hail the size of sprouts and the realisation that some days walking just isn't going to be possible - or if it is - not much fun. Back to London after a Johnny Cash tea.
From this .....

August Bank Holiday 2005 - View from Westgate to Margate
To this....

And this morning I woke up at 5am and was in work at 8.30ish. So the week begins again. The view. My desk and generally catching up with everyone else's long weekend. Did put my shoes in for re-heeling this morning so should have a choice in future especially now I have discovered industrial strength shaping tights!!
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