Monday, May 17, 2010

The week ahead.... ha ha

Capricorn: There are a few prickly briars in the professional realm, mostly left over from the more problematic phase of last autumn, but you may, against your gloomy grain, have to conclude that this is a relatively sweet phase in your working life. Damn!

With a new Moon and a reborn Mercury in the creative zone of your ‘scope, there’s little excuse not to get down to the serious business of your personal passions; the allotment, the choir, the kids. As you will be in real work harness come early autumn, give yourself licence to be a social creature now. Don’t vent about your burdens, celebrate your joys.

While one part of being a Capricorn is control and provision, another is making things happen. Look upon it as a duty to explore, tease, provoke and promote; a kind of holiday.

Your Week Ahead starting Sat, May 15: The less secure we feel, the more we want to seize control. When we are anxious and unsettled, we try to reassure ourselves by focusing on the factors that we can influence. This makes us feel better about the things that we are seemingly unable to alter. You, though, now have the power to change much more than you yet realise. Trust your own strength and relax. Though many unexpected developments are occurring and some highly challenging situations keep arising, you don't have to compensate for these by bending the world to your will. You just have to adapt, intelligently, to a situation that is naturally unfolding in a way that will yet prove very useful and beneficial to you.
A powerful link between your ruler Saturn and the Sun this week is due to help you overcome recent doubts and make you see the strength of your hand. Do not throw caution to the wind or reveal your plans to others yet, though. If you work out all the minor details first, you will be ready to take action when the moment comes
Relaxed as you seem as a Capricorn, you’re always working hard. Consequently, while you’ll undoubtedly have gathered your facts and be prepared for this week’s rather tricky situations, others haven’t. Obviously, this is irritating, but it forces you to review the actual situations in question. While this may seem pointless now, you’ll be prepared for the swift decisions demanded by the expansive Jupiter’s challenge to your ruler, Saturn, next Sunday.
If you feel you missed out in the past, there’ll be compensations. It’s even possible that a project you’ve been working on could suddenly take off. Life gets better and better as the week moves on, and there’s nothing anyone can do to spoil things. It’s a time to move away from complicated situations and do what you know is best for you.
Prepare yourself, Capricorn! You'll hear unsettling news on Monday when Venus squares Jupiter in deceptive Pisces in your zone of communication. Before you leap to conclusions, consider the reliability of the source. Your urge to break out of a rut will receive a boost on Thursday. You could add an interesting new pastime to your regular routine and consider learning a new language or enrolling in an enrichment course. On Sunday you'll confront your fear and self-doubt and emerge victorious.

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