Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Birthday

I always have a soft spot for the Weather Project and the room that showed films of people diving into/out of water - and blast I can't remember the name of the artist or the installation and its going to drive me mad this evening... well it be a change of tact!!
Even searching Assume Nothing I return several instances of trips to Tate Modern... sadly none that include that crucial piece of info... what is the point of this Blog anyway?!
AH AH AH - its amazing what you can do with Google these days... try this for size... or this.... either way 'Five Angels for the Millennium' entranced me for hours. I would just sit and absorb. Fabulous...seductive.
Oh his name - Bill Viola - why on earth did I think his surname began with 'R'???
Ooh freaky... read the Guardian article 1000 artworks to see before you die and:
Bill Viola - Five Angels for the Millennium (2001)
Five simultaneously projected images of a man slowly sinking through water. The most beguiling and ambitious of Viola's amniotic, baptismal allegories. After a while you begin to see your whole life flashing in front of you. (Alfred Hickling)
Flash before me...


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