I have to say I am quite excited - Matt Smith, the actor replacing David Tennant was great in 'Party Animals' a drama I was keenly watching on Beeb 2 in 2007. Sadly that never managed a second series. But the other key actor Andrew Buchan ended up in ITV's brilliant 'The Fixer', another series I watched avidly.
SO now Mr Smith will be taking on a real challenge. I am glad it has gone to someone fairly obscure - less pieces to compare him against - no danger or prior type-cast-ness. He is young. He can really take the Doctor in a new direction.
I am sooo pleased the Beeb didn't decide to make Billie Piper the Doctor - for some reason the idea of THE timelord being female - still not quite right...Or bring in any well established actor with whom we would have had a shadow of a past character in our minds. (Tennant was vaguely recalled for his splendid Casa Nova but not so much as to be the underlying theme. He bought from that role his freshness - a new ness to the programme, which it needed for us to recover from losing Eccleston so swiftly - careless!)
It allows the series Mr Smith begins with to be completely new and fresh. A blank canvass. Few ties with the past (or future if you take into account the nature of his work) and really allows for ANYTHING to be possible again. And if he takes on the role with the same enthusiasm as Tennant once did - maybe we can all get over the loss of Mr T and his gorgeous eyes and dashing fringe... mmm. Lets hope so!
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