Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Gillingham 1 - Lincoln City 2
You see it pays not to get too cocky...terrible second half. The team froze and forgot all the basics again. Ho hum. At least the 21.59 train was on time.
And so
from meditation to mindless tribalism!!
the 18.10 train awaits as does my spiritual home!! The Priestfield for another 90mins of entertaining and well played football (well its a hope!) and the no doubt delayed train back to London at 10pm... aah. Then tomorrow up early for a How to Manage Stress class... diversity - its me!
Well that's something new I have tried in 2009. The firm are running a diversity week - all sorts of talks and presentations - today I spent 45 mins with my eyes closed concentrating on my breathing. Paid to doze?! Not really - sat in a Buddha zen position cross legged with straighten spine is actually a physical challenge in itself. My bottom leg fell asleep and my hands towards the end felt really heavy.
The second version was about visualisation, find a meadow, lie down imagine a favourite place - got there and feel the sun on your face. The problem with this version was I had too many questions. England or not? How hot is the sun? Will I burn etc etc. So in the end I imagined sitting on Margate beach with the blue sky and seagulls. Quite relaxing. Afterwards I did feel quite relaxed. There was a space in my mind - for me.
Sadly it did not last long. The canteen posed a whole different set of questions. Hey ho.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I managed 40 lengths despite the sudden influx of tri-athletes who appeared this evening. Oh yes. The hardy regulars all seemed to have been swapped for young strapping fit versions. Very disconcerting. I thought I had the wrong day...
Oh well didn't think the evenings of only 3 people turning up could last.
Spiders from Mars!
cue Zimmer Faded-stardust jokes..
Either way the idea of Bowie back has to be good - it means he is still alive and his creative brain still active..! Hooray!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Burns Night
I am actually quite upset that Andy Murray failed to win through this morning. The Australian Open has been providing me good distraction over the last week - Five Live Sports Extra and via the red button..and I was hoping for great things from the Scot. Now my attention will return the Rafa - and that bum!
Did I mention
that the Gills are 4th!!
Yes in a mighty and pretty evenly matched 90 minutes we finally got the better of Exeter City and got the one goal needed to secure 3 points. Even the fans are now warming to Adam Miller! Great effort and I for one am looking forward to the next home game on Tuesday night. UTG!
1 Wycombe 26 16 49
2 Brentford 25 12 43
3 Bury 27 10 43
4 Gillingham 26 3 43
5 Dag & Red 26 22 42
6 Shrewsbury 26 19 42
7 Bradford 26 13 42
Footnote - sadly the Exeter Manager is not so excited!!
Yes in a mighty and pretty evenly matched 90 minutes we finally got the better of Exeter City and got the one goal needed to secure 3 points. Even the fans are now warming to Adam Miller! Great effort and I for one am looking forward to the next home game on Tuesday night. UTG!
1 Wycombe 26 16 49
2 Brentford 25 12 43
3 Bury 27 10 43
4 Gillingham 26 3 43
5 Dag & Red 26 22 42
6 Shrewsbury 26 19 42
7 Bradford 26 13 42
Footnote - sadly the Exeter Manager is not so excited!!
Diffuse Energy
karen, if you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there. On Tuesday, Mercury retrograde conjuncts impulsive Mars in Capricorn in your sector of self, and your energy becomes uncharacteristically scattered and diffuse. First, you want to take one course of action; then you doubt yourself and your decisions, and you want to head off in another direction. Before you know it, time has passed, and you are still sitting in your same position, and you haven't moved! You usually like to take your time to plan your actions as if you were playing a chess game, likely one of your favorite pastimes. Now you will find your energy is too erratic for you to make any clear decisions. Over the weekend, Mercury turns direct, and you will have a much easier time making up your mind and plotting out the best course of action for you to take. On Sunday, you have a very profound desire to help the young people in your community as the Moon in Taurus in your sector of children trines profound Pluto in Capricorn. You might decide to mentor a child through a local school program or sponsor a child in a Third World country.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I shamelessly stole these questions about 2008 from a friends blog... here are my answers, almost a month into 2009 so my answers may well be sullied.
1. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?
* Swim 40 lengths. Go to a gym - and therefore use a running machine/rowing machine.
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
* Erm on the whole yes I did. No I did not.
3. How will you be spending New Year's Eve?
* As it turned out I was erm comatose and asleep by midnight.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
* Does Gucci the dog count? If so yes.
5. What countries did you visit?
* France.
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
* An intimate and listening ear.
7. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
* May 3rd. Gillingham got relegated at Leeds Utd. I was there.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
* Staying at my WW weight.
9. What was your biggest failure?
* My inability to walk away from someone who made me hurt and turned me into someone I didn't recognise.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
* Thankfully in 2008 I avoided all escalators.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
* My new digital camera. AND a decent haircut!
12. Where did most of your money go?
* Food. Footie. Fashion (LOL!)
13. What song will always remind you of 2008?
* Madge - Dance 2Night - seeing her at Wembley. Brillant.
14. What do you wish you'd done more of?
* Smiling. Travelling.
15. What do you wish you'd done less of?
* Doubting. Myself mainly. Trusting. Others mainly.
16. What was your favourite TV program?
* Doctor Who.
17. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
* Not really. My dislikes remain the same.
18. What was the best book you read?
* 'The Ballad of Peckham Rye' by Muriel Spark.
19. What was your greatest musical discovery?
* The Doctor Who Prom.
20. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
* Sparky. For doing the right thing albeit not the easy thing.
21. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
* People who get paid to know and do better.
22. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
* Camilla having a healthy baby boy.
23. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Happier.
ii. thinner or fatter? Thinner.
iii. richer or poorer? Richer.
Spottier at the moment too.
24. How did you spend Christmas?
* With Ma & Pa and Mike n Shirl.
25. Did you fall in love in 2008?
* Yes.
26. How many one-night stands?
* None.
27. What did you want and get?
* Some second chances.
28. What did you want and not get?
* Peace.
29. What was your favorite film of this year?
* No Country for Old Men.
30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
* So long ago. I was 35 in 2008 and I had the day off work, walked and went to the cinema to see 'the Kite Runner'.
31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
* Less manipulation. Gillingham staying in League One. A proper holiday. Oops thats 3. If just one - the first thing.
32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
* 2009. Before anyone knew it would be!
33. What kept you sane?
* Walking. Lots.
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
* Christian Bale.
35. What political issue stirred you the most?
* Feckless people and credit cards.
36. Who did you miss?
* Scott.
37. Who was the best new person you met?
* Oh dear. My original answer belonged to 2007. SO I have no answer - which says a lot about my stale life.
40. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008:
* Its not the quantity of my friends but the quality of them that keeps me sane.
1. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?
* Swim 40 lengths. Go to a gym - and therefore use a running machine/rowing machine.
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
* Erm on the whole yes I did. No I did not.
3. How will you be spending New Year's Eve?
* As it turned out I was erm comatose and asleep by midnight.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
* Does Gucci the dog count? If so yes.
5. What countries did you visit?
* France.
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
* An intimate and listening ear.
7. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
* May 3rd. Gillingham got relegated at Leeds Utd. I was there.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
* Staying at my WW weight.
9. What was your biggest failure?
* My inability to walk away from someone who made me hurt and turned me into someone I didn't recognise.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
* Thankfully in 2008 I avoided all escalators.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
* My new digital camera. AND a decent haircut!
12. Where did most of your money go?
* Food. Footie. Fashion (LOL!)
13. What song will always remind you of 2008?
* Madge - Dance 2Night - seeing her at Wembley. Brillant.
14. What do you wish you'd done more of?
* Smiling. Travelling.
15. What do you wish you'd done less of?
* Doubting. Myself mainly. Trusting. Others mainly.
16. What was your favourite TV program?
* Doctor Who.
17. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
* Not really. My dislikes remain the same.
18. What was the best book you read?
* 'The Ballad of Peckham Rye' by Muriel Spark.
19. What was your greatest musical discovery?
* The Doctor Who Prom.
20. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
* Sparky. For doing the right thing albeit not the easy thing.
21. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
* People who get paid to know and do better.
22. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
* Camilla having a healthy baby boy.
23. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Happier.
ii. thinner or fatter? Thinner.
iii. richer or poorer? Richer.
Spottier at the moment too.
24. How did you spend Christmas?
* With Ma & Pa and Mike n Shirl.
25. Did you fall in love in 2008?
* Yes.
26. How many one-night stands?
* None.
27. What did you want and get?
* Some second chances.
28. What did you want and not get?
* Peace.
29. What was your favorite film of this year?
* No Country for Old Men.
30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
* So long ago. I was 35 in 2008 and I had the day off work, walked and went to the cinema to see 'the Kite Runner'.
31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
* Less manipulation. Gillingham staying in League One. A proper holiday. Oops thats 3. If just one - the first thing.
32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
* 2009. Before anyone knew it would be!
33. What kept you sane?
* Walking. Lots.
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
* Christian Bale.
35. What political issue stirred you the most?
* Feckless people and credit cards.
36. Who did you miss?
* Scott.
37. Who was the best new person you met?
* Oh dear. My original answer belonged to 2007. SO I have no answer - which says a lot about my stale life.
40. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008:
* Its not the quantity of my friends but the quality of them that keeps me sane.
Friday, January 23, 2009
No SIM - No mobile phone.
So if you have texted or called - sorry I have no working mobile at the moment - I am not ignoring you!
Feels very strange.
Feels very strange.
Thursday, January 22, 2009

They were though both dressed in green.

Cheers Planetface and cheers John and Gregg for your appearance!
Black out
We have a power cut at work. The power went - then it returned. Well sort of. Currently the generator at the side of the building is filling the air with rancid smoke and keeping the lights on. The phones are down - the computers are down. The team is wondering what to do. They are now reading books.
Ah you see - now the power appears to have returned. Such a pity. I was mid-appraisal writing and it went. Now its back I have to assume my writers head and return to words on paper creation!
My laptop keeps running on its battery so I keep working - despite the interuptions of excited colleagues. Smoke. No screens. Does the coffee machine still work.
It all bodes well for an energy crisis.
Ah you see - now the power appears to have returned. Such a pity. I was mid-appraisal writing and it went. Now its back I have to assume my writers head and return to words on paper creation!
My laptop keeps running on its battery so I keep working - despite the interuptions of excited colleagues. Smoke. No screens. Does the coffee machine still work.
It all bodes well for an energy crisis.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Go the Gills!
After our fantastic televised game vs the Villa we have had a home game postponed due to a frozen pitch - so the last 2 games have been away - Morecambe on Saturday and this evening the rearranged League game from the 3rd Jan. Port Vale.
Happy to report we (yes WE!!) have managed to secure 6 away points (which seemed to allude us pre Xmas). So yes this evening - small things gave me huge pleasure!
17th Jan - Morecambe 0 (HT 0-1) Gillingham (Weston 19) 1
20th Jan - Port Vale 1 (Richards 28) (HT 1-0) Gillingham 3
Oli 49
Miller 69
Jackson (pen) 72
Happy to report we (yes WE!!) have managed to secure 6 away points (which seemed to allude us pre Xmas). So yes this evening - small things gave me huge pleasure!
17th Jan - Morecambe 0 (HT 0-1) Gillingham (Weston 19) 1
20th Jan - Port Vale 1 (Richards 28) (HT 1-0) Gillingham 3
Oli 49
Miller 69
Jackson (pen) 72
SO where are we in the table......
1 Wycombe 25 18 49
2 Brentford 24 14 43
3 Darlington 24 18 41
4 Bradford 25 13 41
5 Bury 26 9 40
6 Exeter 25 5 40
7 Gillingham 25 2 40
8 Dag & Red 25 21 39
9 Shrewsbury 25 18 39
Up the Gills and roll on Saturday!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Yesterday afternoon
I watched 'Captain Corelli's Mandolin' on DVD. I have seen it before - but fancied a Christian Bale drool.
Watching a film twice allows other things to resonant. This quote stood out in my mind and has been in my sub-conscious all day.
From a father to his daughter:
"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being in love which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two".
'Captain Corelli's Mandolin' by Louis De Bernieres
Doin a fish impression...
...was painful! (Yes even the open/shut gob motion!) At least for the first 10 lengths! My calves are starting to seize up but the main thing - cossie did the biz and after working out how to remember my length numbers (associate each to a family living at a house number round my old cul-de-sac) and managed 40 lengths - the last few realising if I push off and stay underwater - I am half way through length! No stopping me now!!
As for TV - well - Eastenders. Masterchef (to see how many ways to say the same thing - erm not many). Part 2 Unforgiven. Then erm I can watch Big Chef Little Chef on C4+1 and Part 2 of Hunter on the iPlayer. Though by 10pm I may need to go to bed - tomorrow is a day of meetings. A welcome relief from an afternoon of resource time tabling and appraisal writing...!
Oh and by 7.10pm the Northern Line was back on form - I even got a seat from Moorgate. Right then - gotta remove contact lenses and make me Horlicks. ta ta.
And so the day ends...
'NORTHERN LINE: Suspended between Archway and High Barnet with no service between Finchley Central and Mill Hill East due to a signal failure at Finchley Central.'
as it began!
Nevermind I am off to try out new swimming cossie! Hope the pool is warm and empty! (of people not water obviously!)
I fear I also have a TV trauma ahead this evening... oh what to watch!?
as it began!
Nevermind I am off to try out new swimming cossie! Hope the pool is warm and empty! (of people not water obviously!)
I fear I also have a TV trauma ahead this evening... oh what to watch!?
Monday, January 19, 2009
Blue Monday
Apparently today is the most depressing day of the year. Call in sick day. (I did last Monday and I want to get back to my swimming so today I am here).
Frankly the Northern Line this morning did seem to want to enforce this assertion. But I was carefree. I left earlier than usual. Got a seat and the signal probs at Camden were fixed and we sailed through probs at Balham. It went down hill at Borough, but by then I was close enough. Out of tube. Lifts out of service! Ha ha. So stairs and daylight. It had stopped raining and the 133 bus had seats. I got to London Bridge and thought well let's walk, the sun is out. So did. A few others were late and bemoaning the state of the day. Somewhere in the recess of my mind I decided to make today a good day. It's Sparky's b-d and for him it has also been the day of his mum's funeral so I knew someone somewhere was having a tougher go at the 19th Jan than I was. I got to work and put on a less stern face. Made elevenses. Said good morning. Smiled. Suggested lunch. Bought teas and cake for more world weary types. Sparky left a message at 11.20am. 10.20pm his time. He had got through his day - as had his family. I rang him back and checked in. It's still a few weeks until he returns to the UK. My plans have all changed again. Not off to Oz now - but planning a fortnight somewhere else - in the sun and away from news and crisis. (Well hopefully!!).
So whilst it may statistically be the most depressing day - let's not give in to media hype.
Chin up people. Soon be Friday! And the Gills won at the weekend!
You & Your Money
Your financial situation has been a bone of contention for some time, karen. Last week, Jupiter moved into your financial zone, bringing hope for the future and faith that you can overcome your problems in this area. However, Mercury continues to be retrograde, so you may still be experiencing delays and a few problems. At the end of the week, there is going to be a Solar Eclipse, which is going to force problems to the surface so that you can deal with them right away. If there is some matter that you've been ignoring, you may not be able to do so any longer. If there are outstanding payments on anything, this is the time when your creditors will demand their money. There'll be no more extra time or any more leeway; you will have to pay out. However, this Solar Eclipse also has a positive side. It encourages you to get a move on and sort things out. You may be pushed into taking steps that you had vaguely considered somewhere in the back of your mind. If someone comes to you with a suggestion, then run with it. However, don't try to make any decisions of your own. Wait until a week or so has passed and you know where you stand.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Whilst being a superb album by Sir David of Bowie it's also where I found my self at 10.40pm last night.
The shadowy weight(s) I had been unconsciously carrying since mid November had been lifted.
Truth is life rarely mimics a song or a film. Happy endings are short lived.
The phone call. Well the missed phone calls & messages throughout the day to be honest. Sparky's mum passed away Thursday and suddenly the reality of life and death is stark. I met her a couple of times, the first I recall vividly as it was the Friday of the May Ball and it was the first time we met. Sparky took us to a pub off Charing Cross Road and I felt awkward at suddenly being positively someone's girlfriend. A few beers and all was well. I think she recognised back then I how besotted I was. Years roll by and our relationship ebbed and flowed. In those years I got to spend time with Imelda both in Ireland and in Australia. She was a strong woman who I could not help but admire. She had sorted her life to spend in 6 months down under and 6 months in her native Ireland, all the while surrounded by people who cared for her and for whom she cared. She always made me feel part of the family and I think secretly was pleased that Sparky had such a steady influence in his life (ha ha!). One of the most amusing events was when we stayed at the family home in Ireland and she let us use her bedroom. Funny how boys retreat to being shy in such situations. Mum is always supreme!
God bless Imelda, it's with great sadness I know we'll never meet again but I am glad we did meet - and yes I'll keep an eye on your long haired, oft singing, son. xx
In the meanwhile I feel further away from Sparky than ever and unable to be the support I want to be. Hugs across the time zones babe... xx
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Editors
Not listened to for ages... random, first song up...'When Anger Shows'
'These thoughts I must not think of
Dreams I can't make sense of
I need you to tell me its ok'
Like it helps me!
Decided in that moment I live my life through songs... every night walking. Every song has a place and me I'm walking and miming all the way home. And boy does it feel good! (Well when I am not talking to myself!!)
'These thoughts I must not think of
Dreams I can't make sense of
I need you to tell me its ok'
Like it helps me!
Decided in that moment I live my life through songs... every night walking. Every song has a place and me I'm walking and miming all the way home. And boy does it feel good! (Well when I am not talking to myself!!)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
VERY under the weather. The weekend was aches and pains thanks to cold. Glad in many ways footie was postponed as it meant I could take it easy. Then it got worse. Much worse. Spent the entirety of Monday under a duvet trying to find a comfortable position for my head and neck - both ached and were very sore. Couple that with wanting to vomit, finally doing so and the obligatory snotty nose and sore throat you can imagine that I also spent much of that time feeling very sorry for myself and feeling very very alone.
Thankfully the amount of ibuprofen and paracetamol I have taken appear to have fixed parts of it. Least I was able to get to work today and cram 2 days worth of work into one
Saturday. I was in slow mode. Eventually got up. Despite the snow went for my walk and noted to my annoynace that the corner where I had fallen the week before now included a bucket full of frozen water. MM. The same frozen water I fell on last Saturday and knackered my shoulder. Got my 1000 EVP tablets and some new earplugs and came home. I did manage also to dye my hair and then decided to settle down to catch up on dvd's.

Sunday. Ah the start of the headache. I kept on going went for a later walk and listened to The Archers as I went. Washing on the line upon return. Great drying day. Stumbled across the Doctor Who Proms concert on the interactive channel. Ate sweet potato and pea curry and then realised at 8.30pm-ish my head really hurt and even the lure of Christain Bale on Film4 was not enough. I went to bed with eye mask and tablets.
Today. Well I feel weakened from not eating yesterday, but at least reaching out to make contact with people helped my mood. Lisa called. And I bought some cards for people.
What do you write in someone's birthday card - knowing that by time they get it the worst thing they can imagine happening, may well have occured?
Monday, January 12, 2009
Your values are tested this week, karen, and you will come through with flying colors. You have a well developed need for security and safety, and your first priority is to take care of yourself, your friends and family, and your possessions. On Tuesday, the Moon in practical Virgo is quincunx Mercury retrograde in your sector of what you value, and you will deal with the issue of how you can best safeguard yourself and the people and items in life you hold dear. You may install a security system in your home or apartment and schedule medical checkups for yourself and your family. Your standing in a community group of which you are a member undergoes a change on Saturday as the Moon in Libra in your sector of status and reputation squares the Sun in Capricorn. Another member is trying to undermine you in this origination and take over your role in the group. You are very civic-minded and the first person on your block to volunteer for the Parent and Teacher Association if you have children or for the group that beautifies your local park. You will be able to overcome this usurper and hang onto your position - never fear.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Game Off!
Oh no Jack Frost has meant the Gills game tomorrow has been called off... Aargh. What am I gonna do instead?!
Looks like arty photos of new leather coat in order...... hold onto your bibbly bobbly hats people!!
Looks like arty photos of new leather coat in order...... hold onto your bibbly bobbly hats people!!
Friday, January 09, 2009
I meant..

I have to say I am quite excited - Matt Smith, the actor replacing David Tennant was great in 'Party Animals' a drama I was keenly watching on Beeb 2 in 2007. Sadly that never managed a second series. But the other key actor Andrew Buchan ended up in ITV's brilliant 'The Fixer', another series I watched avidly.
SO now Mr Smith will be taking on a real challenge. I am glad it has gone to someone fairly obscure - less pieces to compare him against - no danger or prior type-cast-ness. He is young. He can really take the Doctor in a new direction.
I am sooo pleased the Beeb didn't decide to make Billie Piper the Doctor - for some reason the idea of THE timelord being female - still not quite right...Or bring in any well established actor with whom we would have had a shadow of a past character in our minds. (Tennant was vaguely recalled for his splendid Casa Nova but not so much as to be the underlying theme. He bought from that role his freshness - a new ness to the programme, which it needed for us to recover from losing Eccleston so swiftly - careless!)
It allows the series Mr Smith begins with to be completely new and fresh. A blank canvass. Few ties with the past (or future if you take into account the nature of his work) and really allows for ANYTHING to be possible again. And if he takes on the role with the same enthusiasm as Tennant once did - maybe we can all get over the loss of Mr T and his gorgeous eyes and dashing fringe... mmm. Lets hope so!
Amusing Stories in the News this week..
Gorillas in the mist... a case of too many sprouts I fear (read here)
The bestest quotations from Mr G Bush... read it and weep...with despair possibly.
UFO crushes the energy efforts of a windmill...apparently
At least its taken our minds off the credit crunch and the impending gas bill that will land after a fortnight of sub zero temperatures...
I also noticed in Sainsbury's yesterday that whereas before Christmas all the fruit n veg had been stripped from the shelves now its the Kleenex aisle whihc has severe locust problems - hands up if you have a cold?! The value of a box of tissues must make them the new currency of the country?!
The bestest quotations from Mr G Bush... read it and weep...with despair possibly.
UFO crushes the energy efforts of a windmill...apparently
At least its taken our minds off the credit crunch and the impending gas bill that will land after a fortnight of sub zero temperatures...
I also noticed in Sainsbury's yesterday that whereas before Christmas all the fruit n veg had been stripped from the shelves now its the Kleenex aisle whihc has severe locust problems - hands up if you have a cold?! The value of a box of tissues must make them the new currency of the country?!
Thursday, January 08, 2009
This is a
post to say a BIG THANK YOU to a certain someone who today made a real effort for me.
I only wish I was able to articulate the things I need to out loud as opposed to having those conversations with myself in the bathroom mirror.
Do your ears burn?
Christmas gave me a lot of time to think and it all needs to come out sooner or later.
I have felt fury towards you.
And deep sorrow.
I have wished you could just be my friend - when I needed one too.
I have felt at arms length, so have kept myself there. Behind my wall of self defence.
I wish things were all so different but they are not.
I am a realist. Not an optimist.
But I still like to laugh and smile... with you.
For you.
So cheers. Many Happy Returns.
Sorry I did not spill my emotions and thoughts as you would have wished.
My tap is stuck.
And soon I will speak of many things.
Grey hair and wrinkles. Mainly. Perhaps.
I only wish I was able to articulate the things I need to out loud as opposed to having those conversations with myself in the bathroom mirror.
Do your ears burn?
Christmas gave me a lot of time to think and it all needs to come out sooner or later.
I have felt fury towards you.
And deep sorrow.
I have wished you could just be my friend - when I needed one too.
I have felt at arms length, so have kept myself there. Behind my wall of self defence.
I wish things were all so different but they are not.
I am a realist. Not an optimist.
But I still like to laugh and smile... with you.
For you.
So cheers. Many Happy Returns.
Sorry I did not spill my emotions and thoughts as you would have wished.
My tap is stuck.
And soon I will speak of many things.
Grey hair and wrinkles. Mainly. Perhaps.
January: Month Ahead
Everyone you meet will be admiring and appreciating you on your daily rounds which will boost your morale. Being surrounded by obvious affection which isn't grand passion but is very morale boosting will put you in good heart for the New Year. You'll also find that Jupiter from the 5th into Aquarius for the year ahead, your chart area which rules your personal finances, will start speeding up your cash flow. Money will be easy come, easy go since your spending will soar. Try to save a little for a rainy day later on. It won't be easy but will be sensible. Your birthday Sun will also keep your vitality high and you'll be more outgoing, insisting that others pay attention. Mars will also give you an edge from your own sign so you'll stamp your foot if necessary to waken people up. You may not always be tactful but you'll make faster progress. After the 19th the Aquarius Sun heading for the Solar Eclipse and Jupiter will put you on a high, financially and in terms of optimism. Bright ideas on the 22nd should be put into gear instantly though it'll take effort and some discipline to turn the good luck around into tangible, long lasting results.
Lucky Days: 5, 6, 13, 14, 24
Yucky Days: 3, 4, 9, 16, 17
Colour: Raspberry
2009 comes in like a lion with the triple threat of the Sun, Mars and Jupiter powering up your stars. You continue to gear up for tremendous change, with the biggest chunk of the transformation starting this month. For starters, you’ve got the mojo of the powerful full moon on 10 January. This is activating your partnership and marriage sector. Expect some interesting drama to flare up with whomever or whatever you feel married to during this time. If this includes a business partnership, you’ll have to weigh some very important decisions this month. On the financial front, it’s wise to take a more conservative approach especially around the New Moon Solar Eclipse on 16 January. Many things will shift over the next six months, so hold off on major commitments with your money until you can regain a sense of the big picture. Mercury, the communications planet, will retrograde back into your sign on 21 January, so you’ll have a chance to re-do, rethink and revise any glitches from late 2008.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Supporter or Fan?!
Five Live unearthed this new distinction on Sunday during 6-0-6 with Spooney - several Man Utd 'supporters' rang in to have a go about 'fans'.
Apparently a 'supporter' is someone who parts with their cash over the turnstiles to watch the games. A 'fan' merely buys a shirt and watches on TV. SO Gills acquired several fair weather supporters on Sunday and more than a few part time fans...
Thankfully I know exactly which I am... which are you?!
And isn't it typical for that bunch to decide to split hairs!!!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Gillingham 1 - Aston Villa 2
Thanks to the Internet for these links....
The Guardian were finally very on message but started out less so! And I was chuffed with David Pleat's input..
The Times went with a bit more Premiership based view.
All I know is - a replay at Villa would have been magic - and for a hardy Gills fan/supporter like me that is what yesterday was all about - FA Cup magic and bouncing up and down like a loony when we equalised - you CANNOT beat that feeling!!
You shall go to the ball...

Today was Pantomime day @ the New Wimbledon Theatre - my Dad's Christmas present - and also when purchased bought with a view to cheering us up after the day before. But we were already chirpy - well apart from the cold snow in Kent and the Nationwide Building Society being utter imbeciles. Thanks to their it takes 3 people to sort a problem out (which they failed to do having created it to start with) we got to the theatre at 1.50pm - the show starting at 2pm. I think I have fallen in love with the theatre as it is quite small and very music hall - it feels palatial without being huge and in the midst of lots of other bustle. We had already seen Alistair McGowan making his way form the tube station towards the theatre as we headed in the opposite direction to join a lengthy queue in the Nationwide. The theatre wasn't full - but there was a real mix of people in - from families, to a school outing to the OAP's minibus trip out - plus me, Mum and Dad (who was still chuffed that his Bus Pass was valid in London - I sense my mum's fear at being 60 this year has lessened very slightly at the thought of free bus travel across London - she will be visiting often!)
Lights down... stage lights up and we get Gareth Gates crooning, Stacey from Gavin & Stacey being Welsh and McGowan doing flawless impressions. We also get two fantastically over the top Ugly Sisters (these men must love heels and tights as they had at least 8 costume changes) and Ronn Lucas the ventriloquist with Scorch and Buffalo Billy as puppets. Possibly the star of the show was the audience victim - Peter - who was stalked throughout the performance by the Ugly Sisters and got to be a ventriloquist's dummy - and who also forgot the name of his wife. It was all very well performed - the sets being suitably sparkly and real ponies for the coach etc etc. The jokes were pitched for all levels and Dad & I laughed heartily at the McGowan jibes at Premiership footballing legends. All in all tops entertainment. Dad got chatted up by a pensioner who thought he was Welsh. We went for a pint in the Wetherspoons opposite the theatre then headed back to CW via bus of course for a very tasty curry in my local. Tops day in the end!
Monday, January 05, 2009
Financial Fortunes
With both Mars and Pluto in your sign, karen, you are more determined than ever. If there is something you want to achieve, you are not going to let anyone get in your way. You may never have felt so strong or powerful for as long as you can remember. But don't forget to take others into account when planning anything. If you neglect to listen to their thoughts, you may regret it. Jupiter moves into your personal financial zone on Monday, where it will stay until 2010. From this point on, your financial affairs should run much more smoothly. You will have a lot more luck and plenty of opportunity. You may be tempted to be a lot more extravagant than normal, and this is something you need to resist. Above all, make sure that your finances remain in good order. You may have a chance to start a savings plan or to put money away. It is better to do this than to waste it on things you don't really need. Your self-esteem will be a lot higher and your faith in yourself stronger than they have been in some time. Mercury turns retrograde in this zone on Saturday. Make sure that you don't sign financial agreements until after February 1 as they may not go according to plan. Be careful with your credit card, too!
Sunday, January 04, 2009
30 Dec 2008 - London Loves
While the few of us that were in the office in-between Christmas and New Year could have spent each lunch hour in the pub none of us did. They went to play snooker or to the gym. I went walking Mon/Tues.
On Tuesday I took my camera and made the most of a wintery sun drenched City - quiet bar the joggers, tourists and few office workers out and about..
On Tuesday I took my camera and made the most of a wintery sun drenched City - quiet bar the joggers, tourists and few office workers out and about..
The rest of the snaps will be on Kazza's Walks - Sun. Shadows. Stairs.

Once again I have got my Redstone Diary - half price 2/1/09! Black and White - how appropriate! It's got some good prints and poems in it as ever - and now it also has key addresses, footie fixtures and birthdays in it!! Sad huh!

My now annual birthday trip to the cinema therefore was a no brainer... the big movie - 'Australia'. So to Wimbledon Odeon @ 3.30pm for 2hours 40 mins of escapism, fantastic scenery and soppy romance - the tear jerking moments and the spirit lifting ones.. an epic was just what I needed. If you are expecting a challenging plot - don't bother! But it's got Baz Luhrmann's name all over it. (I first watched Moulin Rouge on a flight to Australia). Lavish and rich in cinematic effort. It also scores quite highly with Hugh Jackman fronting up and despite her dappling with Tom Cruise, I quite like Nicole Kidman too. Nothing too taxing, plenty to cheer the eye and bearing in mind the freeze outside the sun and desert warmed up my heart no end. It bought me as close I was likely to get to my distant friend, for the time being at least. (Needless to say 5 mins before the film ended I could feel my phone vibrating. 5.30am in Sydney and someone is leaving me a VM song - Happy Birthday the reprise! You beauty!)
Nervy... & excited...
As I sit here listening to the list of postponed football games I start to wonder if the Gills game will go ahead tomorrow..!? Frost - the hardened game postponer!! Already 4 of the third round games are off and Five Live who set up in Histon are now pegging it to Kettering for the match there against Eastwood Town. This is the weekend when all names can shine on the radio and TV be it Barrow, Forest Green, Blyth Spartans, Torquay, Chesterfield, Macclesfield, Gillingham - non league and Div Two alike.
For those of you who are not aware - tomorrow at 1.30pm KO at the Priestfield will be for an FAC 3rd round match - Gills v Aston Villa. For those of you not lucky enough to get a ticket you can watch an ITV broadcast which will purport to show you all the match action. Trust me - footie on TV is NEVER the same as being there.... provided of course the pitch isn't frozen!!! This is our game of the season. Very much over looked this year in the draw because of the high numbers of non-league teams in the cup we are still in it.. which after the last few seasons IS a major achievement for us. We need the buzz. The TV cameras etc make no odds to me - its just extra pressure = but I have enjoyed making sure everyone I know is aware!
Some very bad team news though - not only is Barry Fuller out (suspended) but the curse of the Brentford game lives on and Garry Richards has also been handed a 3 match suspension.. watch our season tail slide from here on in - our defensive strength weakened in a stroke. At least the nippy goal scoring hero from Stockport is now permanent with us until end of the season, signing yesterday its a perfect b-d pressie for me for sure, so go on Andy Barcham score another brace and make the Gills fan smile!
You know how I feel....
UP THE GILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, January 02, 2009
Ah..bit dull!
IF ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY your year ahead will be charming, chatty, exceptionally busy, a time where you'll be stretched in all directions at once and not have a moment to stand back and reflect. Make sure you stay well organised. There will be challenges along the way but nothing you can't handle with persistence and perseverance. Gradually you are moving to a more responsible position so it's important you stay conscientious and prepare well. Money will be easier.
Birthday Horoscopes for 02/01
The January 2nd person usually takes the world on their shoulders. They are creative and work very well in a constant deadline situation. The ruling planet for this day is the Moon which gives this person instinctual profundity. It also give this person a nurturing personality. Saturn, the ruling planet for Capricorn may cause this person to feel extremely emotional and insular. As a mate, the January 2nd person considers a relationship to be a true partnership. The mate of this person would like to work side by side with their partner.
Birthday Horoscopes for 02/01
The January 2nd person usually takes the world on their shoulders. They are creative and work very well in a constant deadline situation. The ruling planet for this day is the Moon which gives this person instinctual profundity. It also give this person a nurturing personality. Saturn, the ruling planet for Capricorn may cause this person to feel extremely emotional and insular. As a mate, the January 2nd person considers a relationship to be a true partnership. The mate of this person would like to work side by side with their partner.
Your personal ruling planets are Saturn and the Moon.
The influence of Saturn on the Moon will tend to make you serious in nature and changeable in your ways, however you love people and express your emotions and maybe somewhat moody, but nevertheless are endearing to others. You have a desire to be liked by one and all but be careful not to sell out for the sake of others approval.Many good musicians, authors and artists are born on this day and so you too may be endowed with a sense of the aesthetic and artistic. You exhibit high imagination, idealism and are no doubt a dreamer who likes to fantasise. Your fantasies will come to fruition as Saturn has the influence of making your dreams a reality.Your lucky colours are cream and white and green.
Your lucky gems are moonstone or pearl.
Your lucky days of the week Monday, Thursday, Sunday.
Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74.
Famous people born on your birthday include Joseph Stalin, Isaac Asimov, Christy Turlington, Tia Carrere, Gabrielle Carteris and Kate Bosworth.
So today is...
my Birthday - and the sun has now come out and the toothache and puffy eyes are starting to ease up.. deep joy!! I do look as if someone has punched me on the nose.. an event I do not remember.
Went out at 8am for my morning walk - treating myself to doughnuts from Sainsburys on the way back!! Had a shower. The annual wash! And have called my brother for the annual birthday chat. Well I did miss any conversation with him over Christmas.
My plan now is to have some lunch (early) a doughnut and then go back out for a wander round Wimbledon and then go to the cinema for an afternoon of decadent popcorn and drooling!
This evening mmm home made food and a nice drop of stout. To be honest my biggest Birthday treat is hearing the words Gillingham vs Aston Villa on Five Live in prep for FAC 3rd round weekend - roll on Sunday! Every time I hear it I start singing Geeeeeaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllls!! Loopy old bird that I am rapidly turning into. Maybe.
Sparky rang and left a message - a sung version of Happy Birthday which made me smile a lot! I opened my cards prior to calling my bro - so thanks Mazza & Pops, Cress, Lisa, Mike & Shirley, Zig-a-Lig and Paul - much appreciated! Its a weird day - but with the sun shining I know I can make it a good one! Happy Birthday to me! :-)
NB - thanks also to text messages throughout the day from Melsie, Pops, Baggy, Ziggy, The Actor, Lisa, Manisha, Gazza and Lordy D.
NNB - how did I end up watching Celebrity Big Brother?!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Buckle up lovely Goat, you’re in for quite a ride, and for the long haul at that. You’re wired for extended journeys as opposed to instant gratification. Trust that you’ll feel perfectly in your element during this intense purification phase, compliments of Pluto. Gains and losses will run the extremes throughout 2009, so the lesson is not to get too attached to any outcome. Each part of the journey brings vital lessons and ultimately serves to empower you like never before. The more you let go and trust in all that life has to teach you, the less painful and more awe-inspiring the journey in 2009.
Relationships are subject to major alterations as a result of your own radical personal transformation. Your ideas about love and partnership are changing daily, so you’re wise not to make any unalterable commitments. You’re at the very beginning stage of a fifteen-year renovation project. No one and nothing will ever look quite the same, and it’s the process that is most enthralling, not the destination. Only those willing to dive to the depths with you need apply.
Career and Money:
With the emphasis on cardinal planetary energies this year, your star is truly rising. Although some chapters may be coming to an end, new and exciting opportunities are just beginning. Don’t hold on to the past because your life basically explodes with passion this year, and you bring it straight to your office. You know better than to skip steps, so stick to those sure-proof steady methods. Change becomes your career right now, so don’t be afraid to launch brand new ventures. Lucrative is your middle name.
In the midst of all the exciting changes, you’ll need plenty of alone time to ground and recollect your strength at the end of the day. That said, you can’t be too selective when it comes to booking precious leisure time with friends. Casual acquaintances as well as “iffy” friends may fall to the wayside during this intense time. Only your best fiend make it to the top of the mountain with you.
Due to the extremities of this year’s crash course in personal evolution, your health may suffer a bit at times. Exhaustion will likely be the biggest challenge if you engage in typical workaholic patterns. Giving yourself plenty of time to decompress is the best remedy for 2009. Lots of soothing lavender baths, time in the sauna, and plenty of breathing room are just the thing.
Relationships are subject to major alterations as a result of your own radical personal transformation. Your ideas about love and partnership are changing daily, so you’re wise not to make any unalterable commitments. You’re at the very beginning stage of a fifteen-year renovation project. No one and nothing will ever look quite the same, and it’s the process that is most enthralling, not the destination. Only those willing to dive to the depths with you need apply.
Career and Money:
With the emphasis on cardinal planetary energies this year, your star is truly rising. Although some chapters may be coming to an end, new and exciting opportunities are just beginning. Don’t hold on to the past because your life basically explodes with passion this year, and you bring it straight to your office. You know better than to skip steps, so stick to those sure-proof steady methods. Change becomes your career right now, so don’t be afraid to launch brand new ventures. Lucrative is your middle name.
In the midst of all the exciting changes, you’ll need plenty of alone time to ground and recollect your strength at the end of the day. That said, you can’t be too selective when it comes to booking precious leisure time with friends. Casual acquaintances as well as “iffy” friends may fall to the wayside during this intense time. Only your best fiend make it to the top of the mountain with you.
Due to the extremities of this year’s crash course in personal evolution, your health may suffer a bit at times. Exhaustion will likely be the biggest challenge if you engage in typical workaholic patterns. Giving yourself plenty of time to decompress is the best remedy for 2009. Lots of soothing lavender baths, time in the sauna, and plenty of breathing room are just the thing.
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