Thursday, August 03, 2006

Oh and the good news?!

That's for me to know and you to find out!!!

Suffice to say I like myself at the moment - cos I guess other people do and have actually told me so. And I for once accepted the compliment(s).

And to make sure you all know it is still me - all these postive vibes - bound to spell a massive grey spell!

That said catching up with various ex-work mates has been good fun! So cheers Dicko and Vaughany! Also Swansea Jack and the Gee man! That juke box rocks!!


Good to know I made an impact somewhere down the track!! Next week could also pan out to be very interesting!! I need a good date!! And who knows.....?


Anonymous said...

why does "Dicko" get the first mention?

Karoona said...

erm because he was the first former work colleague that I caught up with... other than that no particular reason for ordering of names...

Anonymous said...


More like needy...

Anonymous said...

what is wrong with "needy"?