In the spirit of being on leave I decided to do something I haven't done for ages - go to the cinema. A combination of rain and landlord and gas safety checks meant I had to go to the late evening showing. I guess my main motivation was 119 mins of Christain Bale to swoon over. Mm. Not sure that was the aim of the film and for large parts swooning was not really an option. I had no idea of the plot to be honest and so the digest that was 2-3 days in the lives of Jim and Michael on the less than glam side of LA's streets was not quite what I had in mind for my escapist trip. Do not go to see this film if you want fluffy and pleasant. There are some humourous moments - but only if you have a fairly dark sense of humour (ok so I laughed!) It's gritty and it touches subjects which seem pretty alien on the seemingly quiet streets of London. Guns. Drugs. Drink. Cars. War. The male pscyhe. I was transfixed but I was also slightly disturbed. You couldn't even say these were out of the ordinary blokes. I could recognise bits of friends in them. But the spree they went on for 3 days was enough to make you feel glad that you didn't live in LA. Mr Bale had some very brief swoon worthy moments. But towards the end when the true torture of his past caught up with him he became a decidely unattractive proposition. The thread between sane and insane is a thin one. It broke. As I walked home at brace neck speed I felt moderately awakened. We are all seeking the same things - just appears they reach us in different ways - or not as the case maybe. Harsh Times indeed. Maybe I am just on vacant time.
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